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Bitmap/PPM conversion through a pipe: Difference between revisions

added Perl 6
(Add Python example from Stack Overflow)
(added Perl 6)
Line 204:
with End_of_file -> ()
=={{header|Perl 6}}==
<lang perl6>#!/usr/bin/env perl6
# Reference:
# https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Bitmap/Write_a_PPM_file#Perl_6
use v6;
class Pixel { has uint8 ($.R, $.G, $.B) }
class Bitmap {
has UInt ($.width, $.height);
has Pixel @!data;
method fill(Pixel $p) {
@!data = $p.clone xx ($!width*$!height)
method pixel(
$i where ^$!width,
$j where ^$!height
--> Pixel
) is rw { @!data[$i*$!height + $j] }
method data { @!data }
role PPM {
method P6 returns Blob {
"P6\n{self.width} {self.height}\n255\n".encode('ascii')
~ Blob.new: flat map { .R, .G, .B }, self.data
my Bitmap $b = Bitmap.new(width => 125, height => 125) but PPM;
for flat ^$b.height X ^$b.width -> $i, $j {
$b.pixel($i, $j) = Pixel.new: :R($i*2), :G($j*2), :B(255-$i*2);
my $proc = run '/usr/bin/convert','-','output_piped.jpg', :in, :out;
$proc.in.write: $b.P6;
<pre>file output_piped.jpg
output_piped.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, aspect ratio, density 1x1, segment length 16, baseline, precision 8, 125x125, frames 3</pre>


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