Text processing/Max licenses in use: Difference between revisions

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Line 205:
println(` $time`)
Placing the file in resource:work/mlijobs.txt:
<lang factor>
USING: kernel sequences splitting math accessors io.encodings.ascii io.files math.parser io ;
IN: maxlicenses
TUPLE: maxlicense max-count current-count times ;
: <maxlicense> ( -- max ) -1 0 V{ } clone \ maxlicense boa ; inline
: out? ( line -- ? ) [ "OUT" ] dip subseq? ; inline
: line-time ( line -- time ) " " split [ empty? not ] filter fourth ; inline
: update-max-count ( max -- max' )
dup [ current-count>> ] [ max-count>> ] bi >
[ dup current-count>> >>max-count V{ } clone >>times ] when ;
: (inc-current-count) ( max ? -- max' )
[ [ 1 + ] change-current-count ]
[ [ 1 - ] change-current-count ]
update-max-count ; inline
: inc-current-count ( max ? time -- max' time )
[ (inc-current-count) ] dip ;
: current-max-equal? ( max -- max ? )
dup [ current-count>> ] [ max-count>> ] bi = ;
: update-time ( max time -- max' )
[ current-max-equal? ] dip
[ [ suffix ] curry change-times ] [ drop ] if ;
: split-line ( line -- ? time ) [ out? ] [ line-time ] bi ;
: process ( max line -- max ) split-line inc-current-count update-time ;
: find-max-licenses ( -- max )
"resource:work/mlijobs.txt" ascii file-lines
<maxlicense> [ process ] reduce ;
: print-max-licenses ( max -- )
[ times>> ] [ max-count>> ] bi
"Maximum simultaneous license use is " write
number>string write
" at the following times: " print
[ print ] each ;
<lang factor>
( scratchpad ) [ find-max-licenses print-max-licenses ] time
Maximum simultaneous license use is 99 at the following times:
Running time: 0.16164423 seconds