Sorting algorithms/Bubble sort: Difference between revisions

added ocaml
(→‎{{header|JavaScript}}: Added real version for two js implementation.)
(added ocaml)
Line 412:
myArr = #(9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
myArr = bubbleSort myArr
Like the Haskell versions above:
This version checks for changes in a separate step for simplicity.
let rec bsort s =
let rec _bsort = function
| x :: x2 :: xs when x > x2 ->
x2 :: _bsort (x :: xs)
| x :: x2 :: xs ->
x :: _bsort (x2 :: xs)
| s -> s
let t = _bsort s in
if t = s then t
else bsort t
This version uses the polymorphic <tt>option</tt> type to designate unchanged lists. (The type signature of <tt>_bsort</tt> is now <tt>'a list -> 'a list option</tt>.) It is slightly faster than the previous one.
let rec bsort s =
let rec _bsort = function
| x :: x2 :: xs when x > x2 -> begin
match _bsort (x :: xs) with
| None -> Some (x2 :: x :: xs)
| Some xs2 -> Some (x2 :: xs2)
| x :: x2 :: xs -> begin
match _bsort (x2 :: xs) with
| None -> None
| Some xs2 -> Some (x :: xs2)
| _ -> None
match _bsort s with
| None -> s
| Some s2 -> bsort s2
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