Singleton: Difference between revisions

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@implementation SomeSingleton
@implementation SomeSingleton

+ (GameController*) sharedInstance
+ (SomeSingleton*) sharedInstance
static sharedInstance = nil;
static sharedInstance = nil;

Revision as of 03:16, 5 February 2008

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

A Global Singleton is a class of which only one instance exists within a program. Any attempt to use non-static members of the class involves performing operations on this one instance.


Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT/XP/Vista

class Singleton
     static Singleton* Instance()
          // We need to ensure that we don't accidentally create two Singletons
          HANDLE hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, "MySingletonMutex");
          WaitForSingleObject(hMutex, INFINITE);

          // Create the instance of the class.
          // Since it's a static variable, if the class has already been created,
          // It won't be created again.
          static Singleton myInstance;

          // Release our mutex so that other application threads can use this function
          ReleaseMutex( hMutex );

          // Return a pointer to our mutex instance.
          return &myInstance;

     // Any other public methods

          // Constructor code goes here.
          // Destructor code goes here.

     // And any other protected methods.


(Using Cocoa's NSObject as a base class)

// SomeSingleton.h
@interface SomeSingleton : NSObject
  // any instance variables

+ (SomeSingleton*)sharedInstance;

// SomeSingleton.m
@implementation SomeSingleton

+ (SomeSingleton*) sharedInstance
   static sharedInstance = nil;
   if(!sharedInstance) {
      sharedInstance = [[SomeSingleton alloc] init];
   return sharedInstance;
