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Talk:String length: Difference between revisions

→‎And a way for: new section
(→‎Lua why not: new section)
(→‎And a way for: new section)
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... Again I hit my head against a copyright-left-up-down problem trying to fix the Lua code... I've found an interesting approach in a [http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaUnicode Lua users wiki] (at least for UTF-8); the idea is basic and reproducible in other languages... but not for Lua now, since I've seen it on a wiki where the copy←→↑↓ is not explicitly given... digging a while I've found a long thread ending more or less [http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2006-10/msg00470.html here]. But after almost 3 year they still haven't an explicit copy* statement on the wiki... It seems the material can just be read, or I should try to dig the history of the page (not so easily accessible from the web, it seems) to see who wrote that snippet... (feeling defeated by strange laws and ...) --[[User:ShinTakezou|ShinTakezou]] 22:48, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
== And a way for ==
Examples need to use non ascii chars into code, but the lang tag does not permit it... so that møøse looks like møøse ... I've fixed wørld in AWK just because it showed an example from command line, where pre tag is reasonable... but it is not so for J e.g., where back to pre from lang tag would just be... a step back as said... Shouldn't exist a strange way to fix it? (I believe it is enough to allow UTF-8 encoding in lang tag... keywords are mostly ASCII, just APL should be checked... in fact, how does APL encoding work?) --[[User:ShinTakezou|ShinTakezou]] 23:05, 16 April 2009 (UTC)
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