Arithmetic evaluation: Difference between revisions

m (re-alphabetized solutions)
(→‎{{header|Groovy}}: new solution)
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See [[Arithmetic Evaluator/Go]]
<lang groovy>enum Op {
ADD('+', 2),
SUBTRACT('-', 2),
MULTIPLY('*', 1),
DIVIDE('/', 1);
static {
ADD.operation = { a, b -> a + b }
SUBTRACT.operation = { a, b -> a - b }
MULTIPLY.operation = { a, b -> a * b }
DIVIDE.operation = { a, b -> a / b }
final String symbol
final int precedence
Closure operation
private Op(String symbol, int precedence) {
this.symbol = symbol
this.precedence = precedence
String toString() { symbol }
static Op fromSymbol(String symbol) {
Op.values().find { it.symbol == symbol }
interface Expression {
Number evaluate();
class Constant implements Expression {
Number value
Constant (Number value) { this.value = value }
Constant (String str) {
try { this.value = str as BigInteger }
catch (e) { this.value = str as BigDecimal }
Number evaluate() { value }
String toString() { "${value}" }
class Term implements Expression {
Op op
Expression left, right
Number evaluate() { op.operation(left.evaluate(), right.evaluate()) }
String toString() { "(${op} ${left} ${right})" }
void fail(String msg, Closure cond = {true}) {
if (cond()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot parse expression: ${msg}")
Expression parse(String expr) {
def tokens = tokenize(expr)
def elements = preParse(tokens, 0)
List tokenize(String expr) {
def tokens = []
def constStr = ""
def captureConstant = { i ->
if (constStr) {
try { tokens << new Constant(constStr) }
catch (NumberFormatException e) { fail "Invalid constant '${constStr}' near position ${i}" }
constStr = ''
for(def i = 0; i<expr.size(); i++) {
def c = expr[i]
def constSign = c in ['+','-'] && constStr.empty && (tokens.empty || tokens[-1] != ')')
def isConstChar = { it in ['.'] + ('0'..'9') || constSign }
if (c in ([')'] + Op.values()*.symbol) && !constSign) { captureConstant(i) }
switch (c) {
case ~/\s/: break
case isConstChar: constStr += c; break
case Op.values()*.symbol: tokens << Op.fromSymbol(c); break
case ['(',')']: tokens << c; break
default: fail "Invalid character '${c}' at position ${i+1}"
List preParse(List tokens, int depth) {
def deepness = depth
def tokenGroups = []
for (def i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) {
def token = tokens[i]
switch (token) {
case '(':
fail("'(' too close to end of expression") { i+2 > tokens.size() }
def subGroup = preParse(tokens[i+1..-1], depth+1)
tokenGroups << subGroup[0..-2]
i += subGroup[-1] + 1
case ')':
fail("Unbalanced parens, found extra ')'") { deepness == 0 }
tokenGroups << i
return tokenGroups
tokenGroups << token
fail("Unbalanced parens, unclosed groupings at end of expression") { deepness != 0 }
def n = tokenGroups.size()
fail("The operand/operator sequence is wrong") { n%2 == 0 }
(0..<n).each {
def i = it
fail("The operand/operator sequence is wrong") { (i%2 == 0) == (tokenGroups[i] instanceof Op) }
Expression parse(List elements) {
while (elements.size() > 1) {
def n = elements.size()
fail ("The operand/operator sequence is wrong") { n%2 == 0 }
def groupLoc = (0..<n).find { i -> elements[i] instanceof List }
if (groupLoc != null) {
elements[groupLoc] = parse(elements[groupLoc])
def opLoc = (0..<n).find { i -> elements[i] instanceof Op && elements[i].precedence == 1 } \
?: (0..<n).find { i -> elements[i] instanceof Op && elements[i].precedence == 2 }
if (opLoc != null) {
fail ("Operator out of sequence") { opLoc%2 == 0 }
def term = new Term(left:elements[opLoc-1], op:elements[opLoc], right:elements[opLoc+1])
elements[(opLoc-1)..(opLoc+1)] = [term]
return elements[0] instanceof List ? parse(elements[0]) : elements[0]
<lang groovy>def testParse = {
def ex = parse(it)
print """
Input: ${it}
AST: ${ex}
value: ${ex.evaluate()}
assert (parse('1+1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+1/15)/14)/13)/12)/11)/10)/9)/8)/7)/6)/5)/4)/3)/2')
.evaluate() - Math.E).abs() < 0.0000000000001
testParse('1 + 2*(3 - 2*(3 - 2)*((2 - 4)*5 - 22/(7 + 2*(3 - 1)) - 1)) + 1')
testParse('1 - 5 * 2 / 20 + 1')
testParse('(1 - 5) * 2 / (20 + 1)')
testParse('2 * (3 + ((5) / (7 - 11)))')
testParse('(2 + 3) / (10 - 5)')
testParse('(1 + 2) * 10 / 100')
testParse('(1 + 2 / 2) * (5 + 5)')
testParse('((11+15)*15)* 2 + (3) * -4 *1')
try { testParse('((11+15)*1') } catch (e) { println e }
try { testParse('((11+15)*1)))') } catch (e) { println e }
try { testParse('((11+15)*x)') } catch (e) { println e }
try { testParse('+++++') } catch (e) { println e }
try { testParse('1 /') } catch (e) { println e }
try { testParse('*1') } catch (e) { println e }
try { testParse('/ 1 /') } catch (e) { println e }</lang>
<pre style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll;">Input: 1+1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+1/15)/14)/13)/12)/11)/10)/9)/8)/7)/6)/5)/4)/3)/2
AST: (+ (+ 1 1) (/ (+ 1 (/ (+ 1 (/ (+ 1 (/ (+ 1 (/ (+ 1 (/ (+ 1 (/ (+ 1 (/ (+ 1 (/ (+ 1 (/ (+ 1 (/ (+ 1 (/ (+ 1 (/ (+ 1 (/ 1 15)) 14)) 13)) 12)) 11)) 10)) 9)) 8)) 7)) 6)) 5)) 4)) 3)) 2))
value: 2.7182818284589946
Input: 1 + 2*(3 - 2*(3 - 2)*((2 - 4)*5 - 22/(7 + 2*(3 - 1)) - 1)) + 1
AST: (+ (+ 1 (* 2 (- 3 (* (* 2 (- 3 2)) (- (- (* (- 2 4) 5) (/ 22 (+ 7 (* 2 (- 3 1))))) 1))))) 1)
value: 60
Input: 1 - 5 * 2 / 20 + 1
AST: (+ (- 1 (/ (* 5 2) 20)) 1)
value: 1.5
Input: (1 - 5) * 2 / (20 + 1)
AST: (/ (* (- 1 5) 2) (+ 20 1))
value: -0.3809523810
Input: 2 * (3 + ((5) / (7 - 11)))
AST: (* 2 (+ 3 (/ 5 (- 7 11))))
value: 3.50
Input: (2 + 3) / (10 - 5)
AST: (/ (+ 2 3) (- 10 5))
value: 1
Input: (1 + 2) * 10 / 100
AST: (/ (* (+ 1 2) 10) 100)
value: 0.3
Input: (1 + 2 / 2) * (5 + 5)
AST: (* (+ 1 (/ 2 2)) (+ 5 5))
value: 20
Input: 2*-3--4+-.25
AST: (+ (- (* 2 -3) -4) -0.25)
value: -2.25
Input: 2*(-3)-(-4)+(-.25)
AST: (+ (- (* 2 -3) -4) -0.25)
value: -2.25
Input: ((11+15)*15)*2-(3)*4*1
AST: (- (* (* (+ 11 15) 15) 2) (* (* 3 4) 1))
value: 768
Input: ((11+15)*15)* 2 + (3) * -4 *1
AST: (+ (* (* (+ 11 15) 15) 2) (* (* 3 -4) 1))
value: 768
Input: (((((1)))))
AST: 1
value: 1
Input: -35
AST: -35
value: -35
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot parse expression: Unbalanced parens, unclosed groupings at end of expression
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot parse expression: Unbalanced parens, found extra ')'
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot parse expression: Invalid character 'x' at position 10
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot parse expression: Invalid constant '+' near position 1
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot parse expression: The operand/operator sequence is wrong
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot parse expression: The operand/operator sequence is wrong
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot parse expression: The operand/operator sequence is wrong</pre>
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