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<span style="color: #000000;">main</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">()</span>
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//cmd: +w640 +h480 +am2 +a0.01
#version 3.7;
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1
//enum CICurve items
#declare _cu_items = array[4]{"Ctrl", "Point", "Curmult", "Matrix"}
#declare _cu_ctrl = 0;
#declare _cu_point = 1;
#declare _cu_curmult = 2;
#declare _cu_matrix = 3;
//enum curve ctrl items
#declare _cu_ctrl_items = array[5]{"DimSeg", "Step", "Len", "Segments", "CurrSeg"}
#declare _cu_dimseg = 0;
#declare _cu_step = 1;
#declare _cu_len = 2;
#declare _cu_segments = 3;
#declare _cu_curseg = 4;
//enum CITCurve items
#declare _cu_tcurve = 0;
#declare _cu_ccurve = 1;
#macro _arrFill(Len, Val)
/*:Create and fill an array of length Len with value Val*/
#local Arr = array[Len];
#local Arr[i] = Val;
#macro _CIinit(CIarr, DimSeg, Step, Matrix)
#local Len = dimension_size(CIarr, 1);
#local Lsd = Len - DimSeg;
#if(Lsd < 0)
#error "Too few points in curve array"
#if(mod(Lsd, Step) = 0)
#local Segments = div(Lsd, Step) + 1;
#error "Not the right amount of points in curve array"
#local CurrSeg = -1;
#local CICurve = array[4];
#local CICurve[_cu_ctrl] = array[5]{DimSeg, Step, Len, Segments, CurrSeg};
#local CICurve[_cu_point] = CIarr;
#local CICurve[_cu_curmult] = _arrFill(dimension_size(Matrix,1), <0,0,0>);
#local CICurve[_cu_matrix] = Matrix;
#macro _CIdivMatrix(Matrix, Div)
#for(i, 0, dimension_size(Matrix,1)-1)
#for(j, 0, dimension_size(Matrix[i],1)-1)
#local Matrix[i][j] = Matrix[i][j] / Div;
#macro CIbspline2(CIarr)
Quadratic b-spline aka parabolic spline
Three control points define a segment.
The curve does not pass through any control point. It starts half way P0P1
and ends half way P1P2.
The curve is "attracted" to the middel control points.
Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 3 + (n * 1)
#local DimSeg = 3;
#local Step = 1;
#local Div = 2;
#local Matrix = array[3]{
array[3]{ 1,-2, 1},
array[2]{-2, 2},
array[2]{ 1, 1}
#local Matrix = _CIdivMatrix(Matrix, Div);
_CIinit(CIarr, DimSeg, Step, Matrix)
#macro CIbspline3(CIarr)
/*: Cubic b-spline
Four control points define a segment.
The curve does not pass through any control point. It goes from near
P1 to near P2
The curve is "attracted" to the middel control points.
Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 4 + (n * 1)
#local DimSeg = 4;
#local Step = 1;
#local Div = 6;
#local Matrix = array[4]{
array[4]{-1, 3,-3, 1},
array[3]{ 3,-6, 3},
array[3]{-3, 0, 3},
array[3]{ 1, 4, 1}
#local Matrix = _CIdivMatrix(Matrix, Div);
_CIinit(CIarr, DimSeg, Step, Matrix)
#macro CIget(CICurve, T)
/*: Gets the point on the curve at T
CICurve (array, vector): an array of vectors and other parameters as created via one
of the spline initialisation macros.
T (float, [0,1]): position at which to interpolate the curve.
(vector) returns a point on the curve at T.
use example:
#declare TheCurve = CIlinear(PointArray);
#declare P = CIget(TheCurve, 0.1);
/* T goes from 0 to 1 for the whole curve. From current T find the proper curve segment.
Tseg also goes from 0 to 1. Once the proper segment is found, get the proper Tseg.
#local Len = CICurve[_cu_ctrl][_cu_len];
#local Segments = CICurve[_cu_ctrl][_cu_segments];
#local CImult = CICurve[_cu_curmult];
#if(T = 1)
#local Segment = Segments - 1;
#local Tseg = 1;
#local Segment = floor(T * Segments);
#local Tseg = (T * Segments) - Segment;
#if(Segment != CICurve[_cu_ctrl][_cu_curseg])
#local CICurve[_cu_ctrl][_cu_curseg] = Segment;
#local CurrPos = Segment * CICurve[_cu_ctrl][_cu_step];
#local CImatrix = CICurve[_cu_matrix];
#local MaxPos = Len - CICurve[_cu_ctrl][_cu_dimseg] + CICurve[_cu_ctrl][_cu_step];
#if(CurrPos < MaxPos)
#for(i, 0, dimension_size(CImatrix, 1) - 1)
#local CImult[i] = <0, 0, 0>;
#for(j, 0, dimension_size(CImatrix[i], 1) - 1)
#local jSegment = j + CurrPos;
#local CImult[i] = CImult[i] + CImatrix[i][j] * CICurve[_cu_point][jSegment];
#local CICurve[_cu_curmult] = CImult;
#local F = CImult[0];
#for(i, 1, dimension_size(CImult, 1) - 1)
#local F = (F * Tseg) + CImult[i];
//== Scene
//spline control points
#declare ControlPoints = array[12]{
< 69,278>,
< 72,148>,
//Set up quadratic b-spline (White)
#declare Bspl2 = CIbspline2(ControlPoints)
//get the points on the curve
#for(T, 0, 1, 0.001)
sphere{CIget(Bspl2, T), 2 pigment{rgb 1}}
//Set up cubic b-spline (Blue)
#declare Bspl3 = CIbspline3(ControlPoints)
//get the points on the curve
#for(T, 0, 1, 0.001)
sphere{CIget(Bspl3, T), 2 pigment{rgb <0.2,0.2,1>}}
//control points
sphere{ControlPoints[0] 3 pigment{rgb <1,0,0>}}
#for(i, 1, dimension_size(ControlPoints,1) - 1)
sphere{ControlPoints[i] 3 pigment{rgb <1,0,0>}}
cylinder{ControlPoints[i-1], ControlPoints[i], 0.5 pigment{rgb <1,0,0>}}
camera {
//perspective angle 75
location <190, 220,-250>
right x*image_width/image_height
look_at <190, 220,0>
light_source{<0, 0,-3000> color rgb 1}
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