Sorting algorithms/Permutation sort: Difference between revisions

Added Ada version
(Added Easylang)
(Added Ada version)
Line 328:
return permutations([],array);
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">
-- Permutation sort
-- J. Carter 2024 Jun
-- Uses the PragmAda Reusable Components (
with Ada.Text_IO;
with PragmARC.Permutations;
procedure Slow_Sort is
package Char_Perms is new PragmARC.Permutations (Element => Character);
procedure Put (Item : in Char_Perms.Sequence);
-- Outputs all the Characters in Item to standard output, followed by a line terminator
procedure Process (Seq : in Char_Perms.Sequence; Stop : in out Boolean);
-- If Seq is sorted, outputs it and sets Stop to True
procedure Put (Item : in Char_Perms.Sequence) is
-- Empty
begin -- Put
All_Chars : for C of Item loop
Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => C);
end loop All_Chars;
end Put;
procedure Process (Seq : in Char_Perms.Sequence; Stop : in out Boolean) is
-- Empty
begin -- Process
if (for all J in 1 .. Seq'Last - 1 => Seq (J) <= Seq (J + 1) ) then -- Sorted
Put (Item => Seq);
Stop := True;
end if;
end Process;
Test : constant Char_Perms.Sequence := "kjihgfedcba";
begin -- Slow_Sort
Char_Perms.Generate (Initial => Test, Process => Process'Access);
end Slow_Sort;
=={{header|ARM Assembly}}==
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi}}
