Ramer-Douglas-Peucker line simplification: Difference between revisions

Line 955:
{x: 7, y: 9},
{x: 9, y: 9}]</pre>
'''Adapted from [[#Wren|Wren]]'''
'''Works with jq, the C implementation of jq'''
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
'''Works with jaq, the Rust implementation of jq'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
def Point($x;$y): {x:$x, y:$y}; # jq and gojq allow: {$x,$y}
def ppArray:
def pp: "(\(.x), \(.y))";
"[" + (map(pp) | join(", ")) + "]";
def rdp($eps):
. as $l
| {x: 0,
dMax: -1}
| .p1 = $l[0] # first
| .p2 = $l[-1] # last
| (.p2.x - .p1.x) as $x21
| (.p2.y - .p1.y) as $y21
| reduce range(1; ($l|length)) as $i (.;
.p = $l[$i]
| ( ($y21*.p.x - $x21*.p.y + .p2.x*.p1.y - .p2.y*.p1.x) | length) as $d # abs ~ length
| if $d > .dMax then .x += 1 | .dMax = $d end )
| if .dMax > $eps
then ($l[0: 1+.x]|rdp($eps)) + ($l[.x:]|rdp(eps))[1:]
else [$l[0], $l[-1]]
def points: [
Point(0; 0), Point(1; 0.1), Point(2; -0.1), Point(3; 5), Point(4; 6),
Point(5; 7), Point(6; 8.1), Point(7; 9), Point(8; 9), Point(9; 9)
points | rdp(1) | ppArray
[(0, 0), (2, -0.1), (3, 5), (7, 9), (9, 9)]
