Sierpinski triangle/Graphical: Difference between revisions

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Added Algol 68
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=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
{{libheader|ALGOL 68-l-system}}
Generates an SVG file containing the curve using the L-System. Very similar to the Algol 68 Sierpinski square curve sample.
Note the Algol 68 L-System library source code is on a separate page on Rosetta Code - follow the above link and then to the Talk page.
<syntaxhighlight lang="algol68">
BEGIN # Sierpinski Triangle Curve in SVG - based on the Sierpinski square #
# curve Algol 68 & FreeBASIC samples #
# uses the RC Algol 68 L-System library for the L-System evaluation & #
# interpretation #
PR read "lsystem.incl.a68" PR # include L-System utilities #
PROC sierpinski triangle curve = ( STRING fname, INT size, length, order, init x, init y )VOID:
IF FILE svg file;
BOOL open error := IF open( svg file, fname, stand out channel ) = 0
# opened OK - file already exists and #
# will be overwritten #
# failed to open the file #
# - try creating a new file #
establish( svg file, fname, stand out channel ) /= 0
open error
THEN # failed to open the file #
print( ( "Unable to open ", fname, newline ) );
ELSE # file opened OK #
REAL x := init x;
REAL y := init y;
INT angle := 0;
put( svg file, ( "<svg xmlns='' width='"
, whole( size, 0 ), "' height='", whole( size, 0 ), "'>"
, newline, "<rect width='100%' height='100%' fill='white'/>"
, newline, "<path stroke-width='1' stroke='black' fill='none' d='"
, newline, "M", whole( x, 0 ), ",", whole( y, 0 ), newline
LSYSTEM ssc = ( "F-G-G"
, ( "F" -> "F-G+F+G-F"
, "G" -> "GG"
STRING curve = ssc EVAL order;
IF c = "F" OR c = "G" THEN
x +:= length * cos( angle * pi / 180 );
y +:= length * sin( angle * pi / 180 );
put( svg file, ( " L", whole( x, 0 ), ",", whole( y, 0 ), newline ) )
ELIF c = "+" THEN
angle +:= 120 MODAB 360
ELIF c = "-" THEN
angle -:= 120 MODAB 360
put( svg file, ( "'/>", newline, "</svg>", newline ) );
close( svg file )
FI # sierpinski square # ;
sierpinski triangle curve( "sierpinski_triangle.svg", 1200, 12, 5, 200, 400 )