Wolstenholme numbers: Difference between revisions

imported>Maxima enthusiast
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935 984 1202 1518 1539
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<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public final class WolstenholmeNumbers {
public static void main(String[] args) {
WolstenholmeIterator iterator = new WolstenholmeIterator();
List<BigInteger> wolstenholmePrimes = new ArrayList<BigInteger>();
System.out.println("Wolstenholme numbers:");
for ( int index = 1; index <= 10_000; index++ ) {
BigInteger wolstenholmeNumber = iterator.next();
if ( wolstenholmePrimes.size() < 15 && wolstenholmeNumber.isProbablePrime(15) ) {
if ( index <= 20 || PRINT_POINTS.contains(index) ) {
System.out.println(String.format("%5d%s%s", index, ": ", abbreviate(wolstenholmeNumber)));
System.out.println("Prime Wolstenholme numbers:");
for ( int index = 0; index < wolstenholmePrimes.size(); index++ ) {
System.out.println(String.format("%5d%s%s", index + 1, ": ", abbreviate(wolstenholmePrimes.get(index))));
private static String abbreviate(BigInteger number) {
String text = number.toString();
int digits = text.length();
return digits <= 20 ?
text : text.substring(0, 20) + " ... " + text.substring(digits - 20) + " (digits: " + digits + ")";
private static final List<Integer> PRINT_POINTS = List.of( 500, 1_000, 2_500, 5_000, 10_000 );
final class WolstenholmeIterator {
public BigInteger next() {
BigInteger result = secondHarmonic.numerator();
k += 1;
secondHarmonic = secondHarmonic.add( new Rational(BigInteger.ONE, BigInteger.valueOf(k * k)) );
return result;
private int k = 1;
private Rational secondHarmonic = new Rational(BigInteger.ONE, BigInteger.ONE);
final class Rational {
public Rational(BigInteger aNumerator, BigInteger aDenominator) {
numerator = aNumerator;
denominator = aDenominator;
BigInteger gcd = numerator.gcd(denominator);
numerator = numerator.divide(gcd);
denominator = denominator.divide(gcd);
public Rational add(Rational aRational) {
BigInteger numer = numerator.multiply(aRational.denominator).add(aRational.numerator.multiply(denominator));
BigInteger denom = aRational.denominator.multiply(denominator);
return new Rational(numer, denom);
public BigInteger numerator() {
return numerator;
private BigInteger numerator;
private BigInteger denominator;
{{ out }}
Wolstenholme numbers:
1: 1
2: 5
3: 49
4: 205
5: 5269
6: 5369
7: 266681
8: 1077749
9: 9778141
10: 1968329
11: 239437889
12: 240505109
13: 40799043101
14: 40931552621
15: 205234915681
16: 822968714749
17: 238357395880861
18: 238820721143261
19: 86364397717734821
20: 17299975731542641
500: 40989667509417020364 ... 48084984597965892703 (digits: 434)
1000: 83545938483149689478 ... 99094240207812766449 (digits: 866)
2500: 64537911900230612090 ... 12785535902976933153 (digits: 2164)
5000: 34472086597488537716 ... 22525144829082590451 (digits: 4340)
10000: 54714423173933343999 ... 49175649667700005717 (digits: 8693)
Prime Wolstenholme numbers:
1: 5
2: 266681
3: 40799043101
4: 86364397717734821
5: 36190908596780862323 ... 79995976006474252029 (digits: 104)
6: 33427988094524601237 ... 48446489305085140033 (digits: 156)
7: 22812704758392002353 ... 84405125167217413149 (digits: 218)
8: 28347687473208792918 ... 45794572911130248059 (digits: 318)
9: 78440559440644426017 ... 30422337523878698419 (digits: 520)
10: 22706893975121925531 ... 02173859396183964989 (digits: 649)
11: 27310394808585898968 ... 86311385662644388271 (digits: 935)
12: 13001072736642048751 ... 08635832246554146071 (digits: 984)
13: 15086863305391456002 ... 05367804007944918693 (digits: 1202)
14: 23541935187269979100 ... 02324742766220468879 (digits: 1518)
15: 40306783143871607599 ... 58901192511859288941 (digits: 1539)
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
gojq supports infinite-precision integer arithmetic and has no problem
computing the first 10,000 Wolstenholme numbers, but the algorithm
used here for testing primality is only suitable for identifying
the first four prime numbers in the sequence.
See [[Arithmetic/Rational#jq]] for a library of functions that supports
rational arithmetic and that is suitable for inclusion using jq's `include`
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
include "rational" {search: "."}; # see comment above
# Take advantage of gojq's support for infinite-precision integer arithmetic:
# If $j is 0, then an error condition is raised;
# otherwise, assuming infinite-precision integer arithmetic,
# if the input and $j are integers, then the result will be an integer.
def idivide($j):
(. % $j) as $mod
| (. - $mod) / $j ;
# To take advantage of gojq's arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic:
def power($b): . as $in | reduce range(0;$b) as $i (1; . * $in);
def properfactors:
. as $in
| [2, $in, false]
| recurse(
. as [$p, $q, $valid, $s]
| if $q == 1 then empty
elif $q % $p == 0 then [$p, ($q|idivide($p)), true]
elif $p == 2 then [3, $q, false, $s]
else ($s // ($q | sqrt)) as $s
| if ($p + 2) <= $s then [$p + 2, $q, false, $s]
else [$q, 1, true]
end )
| if .[2] and .[0] != $in then .[0] else empty end ;
def is_prime:
[limit(1; properfactors)] | length == 0;
# Use $list to specify which Wolstenholme numbers are to be displayed;
# use $primes to specify the number of prime Wolstenholme numbers to identify.
def wolstenholme($max; $list; $primes):
{primes: [], w: [], h: 0}
| foreach range (1; 1+$max) as $k (.;
.emit = null
| .h = radd(.h; r(1; $k * $k))
| .w += [.h]
| (.h | .n) as $n
| if (.primes|length) < $primes and ($n|is_prime) then .primes += [$n] end
| if $k <= 20
then .emit = [$k, $n]
elif ($k | IN($list[]))
then .emit ="\($k): \($n|tostring[0:20]) (digits: \($n|tostring|length))"
else .
(if $k == $max then {primes} else empty end) );
"Wolstenholme numbers:", wolstenholme(10000; [500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000]; 4)
Wolstenholme numbers:
500: 40989667509417020364 (digits: 434)
1000: 83545938483149689478 (digits: 866)
2500: 64537911900230612090 (digits: 2164)
5000: 34472086597488537716 (digits: 4340)
10000: 54714423173933343999 (digits: 8693)
Line 983 ⟶ 1,210:
4 : 86364397717734821
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">say "Wolstenholme numbers:"
for n in (1..20) {
say ("#{'%5s'%n}: ", sum(1..n, {|k| 1/k**2 }).nu)
for n in (500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000) {
var w = Str(sum(1..n, {|k| 1/k**2 }).nu)
say ("#{'%5s'%n}: ", w.first(20), '...', w.last(20), " (#{w.len} digits)")
say "\nPrime Wolstenholme numbers:"
var w = 0
for k in (1..Inf) {
w += 1/k**2
if (w.nu.is_prime) {
callback([k, w.nu])
}).first(15).each_2d {|n,p|
var w = Str(p)
if (w.len > 50) {
w = join('', w.first(20), '...', w.last(20), " (#{w.len} digits)")
say ("#{'%5s'%n}: ", w)
Wolstenholme numbers:
1: 1
2: 5
3: 49
4: 205
5: 5269
6: 5369
7: 266681
8: 1077749
9: 9778141
10: 1968329
11: 239437889
12: 240505109
13: 40799043101
14: 40931552621
15: 205234915681
16: 822968714749
17: 238357395880861
18: 238820721143261
19: 86364397717734821
20: 17299975731542641
500: 40989667509417020364...48084984597965892703 (434 digits)
1000: 83545938483149689478...99094240207812766449 (866 digits)
2500: 64537911900230612090...12785535902976933153 (2164 digits)
5000: 34472086597488537716...22525144829082590451 (4340 digits)
10000: 54714423173933343999...49175649667700005717 (8693 digits)
Prime Wolstenholme numbers:
2: 5
7: 266681
13: 40799043101
19: 86364397717734821
121: 36190908596780862323...79995976006474252029 (104 digits)
188: 33427988094524601237...48446489305085140033 (156 digits)
252: 22812704758392002353...84405125167217413149 (218 digits)
368: 28347687473208792918...45794572911130248059 (318 digits)
605: 78440559440644426017...30422337523878698419 (520 digits)
745: 22706893975121925531...02173859396183964989 (649 digits)
1085: 27310394808585898968...86311385662644388271 (935 digits)
1127: 13001072736642048751...08635832246554146071 (984 digits)
1406: 15086863305391456002...05367804007944918693 (1202 digits)
1743: 23541935187269979100...02324742766220468879 (1518 digits)
1774: 40306783143871607599...58901192511859288941 (1539 digits)
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "./gmp" for Mpq
import "./fmt" for Fmt
