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Prime decomposition: Difference between revisions

Added Algol W
(Added Algol W)
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=={{header|ALGOL W}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="algolw">
begin % find the prime decompositionmtion of some integers %
% increments n and returns the new value %
integer procedure inc ( integer value result n ) ; begin n := n + 1; n end;
% divides n by d and returns the result %
integer procedure over ( integer value result n
; integer value d
) ; begin n := n div d; n end;
% sets the elements of f to the prime factors of n %
% the bounds of f should be 0 :: x where x is large enough to hold %
% all the factors, f( 0 ) will contain 6he number of factors %
procedure decompose ( integer value n; integer array f ( * ) ) ;
integer d, v;
f( 0 ) := 0;
v := abs n;
if v > 0 and v rem 2 = 0 then begin
f( inc( f( 0 ) ) ) := 2;
while over( v, 2 ) > 0 and v rem 2 = 0 do f( inc( f( 0 ) ) ) := 2;
end if_2_divides_v ;
d := 3;
while d * d <= v do begin
if v rem d = 0 then begin
f( inc( f( 0 ) ) ) := d;
while over( v, d ) > 0 and v rem d = 0 do f( inc( f( 0 ) ) ) := d;
end if_d_divides_v ;
d := d + 2
end while_d_squared_le_v ;
if v > 1 then f( inc( f( 0 ) ) ) := v
end factorise ;
% some test cases %
for n := 0, 1, 7, 31, 127, 2047, 8191, 131071, 524287, 2520, 32767, 8855, 441421750 do begin
integer array f( 0 :: 20 );
decompose( n, f );
write( s_w := 0, n, ": " );
for fPos := 1 until f( 0 ) do writeon( i_w := 1, s_w := 0, " ", f( fPos ) );
end for_n ;
7: 7
31: 31
127: 127
2047: 23 89
8191: 8191
131071: 131071
524287: 524287
2520: 2 2 2 3 3 5 7
32767: 7 31 151
8855: 5 7 11 23
441421750: 2 5 5 5 7 11 23 997


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