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Abelian sandpile model: Difference between revisions

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Line 562:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
<syntaxhighlight lang="autohotkey">
Size := Size2 := 10
celula := [], Deltas := ["-1,0","1,1","0,-1","0,1"], Width := Size * 2.5
Gui, font, S%Size%
Gui, add, text, y1
loop, 19
Row := A_Index
loop, 19
Col := A_Index
Gui, add, button, % (Col=1 ? "xs y+1" : "x+1 yp") " v" Col "_" Row " w" Width " -TabStop"
celula[Col,Row] := 0
GuiControl, hide, %Col%_%Row%
gui, color, black
Gui, show,, Abelian SandPile
InputBox, areia,, How much particles?,, 140, 140
celula[10,10] := areia
GuiControl,, 10_10, % celula[10,10]
fim := true
loop 19
linha := A_Index
loop 19
coluna := A_Index
if (celula[coluna,linha] >= 4)
celula[coluna,linha] -= 4
celula[coluna-1,linha] += 1
celula[coluna+1,linha] += 1
celula[coluna,linha-1] += 1
celula[coluna,linha+1] += 1
fim := false
if (fim = true)
loop 19
line := A_Index
loop 19
column := A_Index
GuiControlGet, posicao, Pos, % column "_" line
switch celula[column,line]
case 0:
gui, add, progress, Backgroundblue w24 h24 x%posicaoX% y%posicaoY%
case 1:
gui, add, progress, backgroundred w24 h24 x%posicaoX% y%posicaoY%
case 2:
gui, add, progress, backgroundgreen w24 h24 x%posicaoX% y%posicaoY%
case 3:
gui, add, progress, backgroundyellow w24 h24 x%posicaoX% y%posicaoY%
msgbox sair
Image for 1000 particles:


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