Category talk:Wren-math: Difference between revisions

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PureFox (talk | contribs)
→‎Source code: Replaced Int.primeCount method with a non-memoized version.
PureFox (talk | contribs)
→‎Source code: Int.primeCount now optionally allows for memoization.
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// Private helper method which counts and returns how many primes there are
// up to and including 'n' using the Legendre method.
static legendre_phi_(n, a, primes) {
if (a <= 1) return (a < 1) ? n : n - (n >> 1)
var pa = primes[a-1]
if (n <= pa) return 1
return legendre_phi_(n, a-1, primes) - legendre_phi_((n/pa).floor, a-1, primes)
// As above method but uses memoization.
static phi_(n, a, primes, cache) {
if (a <= 1) return (a < 1) ? n : n - (n >> 1)
var pa = primes[a-1]
if (n <= pa) return 1
var key = Int.cantorPair(n, a)
if (cache.containsKey(key)) return cache[key]
return cache[key] = phi_(n, a-1, primes, cache) - phi_((n/pa).floor, a-1, primes, cache)
// Computes, using a suitable method, and returns how many primes there are
// up to and including 'n'. Can optionally use memoization to improve performance.
static primeCount(n, memoize) {
if (n < 3) return (n < 2) ? 0 : 1
var limit = n.sqrt.floor
var primes = primeSieve(limit)
var a = primes.count
return legendre_(memoize ? phi_(n, a, primes, {}) : phi_(n, a, primes)) + a - 1
// Convenience version of primeCount which always uses memoization.
static primeCount(n) { primeCount(n, true) }
// Returns the prime factors of 'n' in order using a wheel with basis [2, 3, 5].
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