Achilles numbers: Difference between revisions

julia example
(julia example)
Line 90:
<tt>(#~ predicate) list</tt> selects the elements of <tt>list</tt> where <tt>predicate</tt> is true.
<lang>using Primes
isAchilles(n) = (p = [x[2] for x in factor(n).pe]; all(>(1), p) && gcd(p) == 1)
isstrongAchilles(n) = isAchilles(n) && isAchilles(totient(n))
function teststrongachilles(nachilles = 50, nstrongachilles = 100)
# task 1
println("First $nachilles Achilles numbers:")
n, found = 0, 0
while found < nachilles
if isAchilles(n)
found += 1
print(rpad(n, 5), found % 10 == 0 ? "\n" : "")
n += 1
# task 2
println("\nFirst $nstrongachilles strong Achilles numbers:")
n, found = 0, 0
while found < nstrongachilles
if isstrongAchilles(n)
found += 1
print(rpad(n, 7), found % 10 == 0 ? "\n" : "")
n += 1
# task 3
println("\nCount of Achilles numbers for various intervals:")
intervals = [10:99, 100:999, 1000:9999, 10000:99999, 100000:999999]
for interval in intervals
println(lpad(interval, 15), " ", count(isAchilles, interval))
First 50 Achilles numbers:
72 108 200 288 392 432 500 648 675 800
864 968 972 1125 1152 1323 1352 1372 1568 1800
1944 2000 2312 2592 2700 2888 3087 3200 3267 3456
3528 3872 3888 4000 4232 4500 4563 4608 5000 5292
5324 5400 5408 5488 6075 6125 6272 6728 6912 7200
First 100 strong Achilles numbers:
500 864 1944 2000 2592 3456 5000 10125 10368 12348
12500 16875 19652 19773 30375 31104 32000 33275 37044 40500
49392 50000 52488 55296 61731 64827 67500 69984 78608 80000
81000 83349 84375 93312 108000 111132 124416 128000 135000 148176
151875 158184 162000 165888 172872 177957 197568 200000 202612 209952
219488 221184 237276 243000 246924 253125 266200 270000 273375 296352
320000 324000 333396 364500 397953 405000 432000 444528 453789 455877
493848 497664 500000 518616 533871 540000 555579 583443 605052 607500
629856 632736 648000 663552 665500 666792 675000 691488 740772 750141
790272 800000 810448 820125 831875 877952 949104 972000 987696 1000188
Count of Achilles numbers for various intervals:
10:99 1
100:999 12
1000:9999 47
10000:99999 192
100000:999999 664
