Permuted multiples: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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Petelomax (talk | contribs)
→‎{{header|Phix}}: added final steps and extended output
Petelomax (talk | contribs)
→‎extended output: last pattern valid forever
Line 509: Line 509:
Nothing else less than 1,000,000,000 (22,222,222 steps)
Nothing else less than 1,000,000,000 (22,222,222 steps)
I believe that last pattern will be continue to be valid no matter how many 9s are inserted in the middle.


Revision as of 01:52, 18 August 2021

Permuted multiples is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

The following task is taken from Project Euler.


Find the smallest positive integer n such that, when expressed in decimal, 2*n, 3*n, 4*n, 5*n, and 6*n contain exactly the same digits but in a different order.


Translation of: Phix

— except that the 'steps' figure here is cumulative. Also, for six different numbers to have the same digits, each must have at least three digits, none of which can be 0. So the smallest possible value of n is 123. 6 times that is 738, which still doesn't fit the bill, but you have to start somewhere. 'Steps' are the number of 'n's actually tried when n * 6 doesn't exceed the next power of 10. While no power of 10 is exactly divisible by 6, it is technically the point at which the number of digits increases, so I've pedantically adjusted the logic to reflect this.  :) The number of steps between 100,000 and the final arrival at 142,857 is 14,286, which is interesting.

<lang applescript>use AppleScript version "2.3.1" -- Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) or later. use sorter : script "Insertion Sort" -- <>

on decDigits(n)

   set digits to {n mod 10 as integer}
   set n to n div 10
   repeat until (n = 0)
       set beginning of digits to n mod 10 as integer
       set n to n div 10
   end repeat
   return digits

end decDigits

on join(lst, delim)

   set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
   set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delim
   set txt to lst as text
   set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
   return txt

end join

on task()

   set {output, n, n10, steps} to {{}, 123, 1000, 0}
       if (n * 6 < n10) then
           set steps to steps + 1
           set nl to decDigits(n)
           tell sorter to sort(nl, 1, -1)
           set found to true
           repeat with i from 2 to 6
               set inl to decDigits(n * i)
               tell sorter to sort(inl, 1, -1)
               if (inl ≠ nl) then
                   set found to false
                   exit repeat
               end if
           end repeat
           if (found) then exit repeat
           set n to n + 3
           set end of output to "Nothing below " & n10 & (" (" & steps & " steps)")
           set n to n10 + 2
           set n10 to n10 * 10
           -- set steps to 0
       end if
   end repeat
   set end of output to "    n = " & n & (" (" & steps & " steps altogether)")
   repeat with i from 2 to 6
       set end of output to (i as text) & " * n = " & i * n
   end repeat
   return join(output, linefeed)

end task



<lang applescript>"Nothing below 1000 (15 steps) Nothing below 10000 (237 steps) Nothing below 100000 (2459 steps)

   n = 142857 (16745 steps altogether)

2 * n = 285714 3 * n = 428571 4 * n = 571428 5 * n = 714285 6 * n = 857142"</lang>


Works with: Factor version 0.99 2021-06-02

<lang factor>USING: formatting io kernel lists lists.lazy math math.ranges math.vectors numspec present prettyprint sequences sets ;

multiples ( n -- seq )
   [ 2 * ] [ 6 * ] [ ] tri <range> [ present ] map ;
all-set-eq? ( seq -- ? )
   dup ?first [ set= ] curry all? ;

! Ordered lazy list of numbers that start with a '1' digit NUMSPEC: starting-with-one 1 1_ ... ;

smallest-permuted-multiple ( -- n )
   starting-with-one [ multiples all-set-eq? ] lfilter car ;

{ 2 3 4 5 6 } " n: " write smallest-permuted-multiple dup . over n*v [ "×%d: %d\n" printf ] 2each</lang>

 n: 142857
×2: 285714
×3: 428571
×4: 571428
×5: 714285
×6: 857142


Translation of: Wren
Library: Go-rcu

<lang go>package main

import (



// assumes l1 is sorted but l2 is not func areSame(l1, l2 []int) bool {

   if len(l1) != len(l2) {
       return false
   for i := 0; i < len(l1); i++ {
       if l1[i] != l2[i] {
           return false
   return true


func main() {

   i := 100 // clearly a 1 or 2 digit number is impossible
   nextPow := 1000
   for {
       digits := rcu.Digits(i, 10)
       if digits[0] != 1 {
           i = nextPow
           nextPow *= 10
       allSame := true
       for j := 2; j <= 6; j++ {
           digits2 := rcu.Digits(i*j, 10)
           if !areSame(digits, digits2) {
               allSame = false
       if allSame {
           fmt.Println("The smallest positive integer n for which the following")
           fmt.Println("multiples contain exactly the same digits is:")
           fmt.Println("    n =", i)
           for k := 2; k <= 6; k++ {
               fmt.Printf("%d x n = %d\n", k, k*i)
       i = i + 1


The smallest positive integer n for which the following
multiples contain exactly the same digits is:
    n = 142857
2 x n = 285714
3 x n = 428571
4 x n = 571428
5 x n = 714285
6 x n = 857142


<lang julia>n = minimum([n for n in 1:2000000 if sort(digits(2n)) == sort(digits(3n)) == sort(digits(4n)) == sort(digits(5n))== sort(digits(6n))]) println("n: $n, 2n: $(2n), 3n: $(3n), 4n: $(4n), 5n: $(5n), 6n: $(6n)")


n: 142857, 2n: 285714, 3n: 428571, 4n: 571428, 5n: 714285, 6n: 857142


Searching among multiples of 3 between 102 and 1_000 div 6, 1_002 and 10_000 div 6, 10_002 and 100_000 div 6, etc. (see discussion).

<lang Nim>from algorithm import sorted

func search(): int =

 var start = 100
 while true:
   for i in countup(start + 2, 10 * start div 6, 3):
     let digits = sorted($i)
     block check:
       for j in 2..6:
         if sorted($(i * j)) != digits:
           break check
       # Found.
       return i
   start *= 10

let n = search() echo " n = ", n for k in 2..6:

 echo k, "n = ", k * n</lang>
 n = 142857
2n = 285714
3n = 428571
4n = 571428
5n = 714285
6n = 857142


Create an array of the digits fixed 1 as first digit and 0 "1023456789"
Don't use the fact, that second digit must be < 6.Runtime negligible. <lang pascal>program euler52; {$IFDEF FPC}

 {$MOde DElphi} {$Optimization On}


 {$Apptype console}

{$ENDIF} uses



 Base = 10;


 TUsedDigits = array[0..Base-1] of byte;
 tDigitsInUse =   set of 0..Base-1;


 UsedDigits :tUsedDigits;
 gblMaxDepth : NativeInt;

procedure InitUsed; Var

i : NativeInt;


 For i := 2 to Base-1 do 
   UsedDigits[i] := i;
 UsedDigits[0] := 1;
 UsedDigits[1] := 0;  


function GetUsedSet(const UsedDigits: tUsedDigits):tDigitsInUse; var

 i : NativeInt;


 result := [];
 For i := 0 to gblMaxDepth do


function CheckMultiples(const UsedDigits: tUsedDigits;OrgInUse:tDigitsInUse):NativeInt; var

 SumDigits :tUsedDigits;
 i,c,s,j : integer;


 result := 0;  
 SumDigits := UsedDigits;    

 j := 2;// first doubled
   c := 0;
   For i := gblMaxdepth downto 0 do  
     s := UsedDigits[i]+SumDigits[i]+c;
     c := ord(s >= base);
     SumDigits[i] := s-c*base;
   IF (c > 0) then
   if GetUsedSet(SumDigits) <> OrgInUse then
 until j > 6;

 IF j > 6 then
   result := 0;  
   //Output in Base 10
   For i := 0 to gblMaxdepth do 
     result := result * Base +UsedDigits[i];
   For i := 1 to 6 do       


procedure Check; Begin



procedure GetNextUsedDigit(StartIdx:NativeInt); var

 i : NativeInt;
 DigitTaken: Byte;


 For i := StartIDx to Base-1 do
   //swap i with Startidx
   DigitTaken := UsedDigits[i]; 
   UsedDigits[i]:= UsedDigits[StartIdx];
   UsedDigits[StartIdx] := DigitTaken;      

// write(StartIdx:3,i:3,DigitTaken:3,' ');

   IF StartIdx <gblMaxDepth then
   //undo swap i with Startidx      
   UsedDigits[StartIdx] := UsedDigits[i]; 
   UsedDigits[i]:= DigitTaken;

end; var

 T : INt64;


 T := GetTickCount64;
 For gblMaxDepth := 2 to Base-1 do
   writeln('With ',gblMaxdepth+1,' digits');    
 T := GetTickCount64-T;
 write('Done in ',T/1000:0:3);
 {$IFDEF WINdows}



With 3 digits
With 4 digits
With 5 digits
With 6 digits

With 7 digits


With 8 digits

With 9 digits
With 10 digits
Done in 0.054


Maintain a limit (n10) and bump the iteration whenever *6 increases the number of digits, which (as [was] shown) cuts the number of iterations by a factor of nearly thirteen and a half times (as in eg [as was] 67 iterations instead of 900 to find nothing in 100..1,000). Also as noted on the talk page, since sum(digits(3n)) is a multiple of 3 and it uses the same digits as n, then sum(digits(n)) will also be the very same multiple of 3 and hence n must (also) be divisible by 3, so we can start each longer-digits iteration on 10^k+2 (since remainder(10^k,3) is always 1) and employ a step of 3, and enjoy a better than 40-fold overall reduction in iterations.

with javascript_semantics
atom t0 = time()
integer n = 3, n10 = 10, steps = 0
constant fmt="""
%s positive integer n for which (2..6)*n contain the same digits:
    n = %,d (%,d steps, hmmm...)
2 x n = %,d
3 x n = %,d
4 x n = %,d
5 x n = %,d
6 x n = %,d
limit = iff(platform()=JS?1e7:1e9)
string nowtelse = "Nothing", smother = "Smallest"
while true do
    if n*6>=n10 then
        printf(1,"%s less than %,d (%,d steps)\n",{nowtelse,n10,steps})
        if n10>=limit then exit end if
        n = n10+2
        n10 *= 10
        steps = 0
        string ns = sort(sprintf("%d",n))
        integer i -- (to test after loop)
        for i=2 to 6 do
            string ins = sort(sprintf("%d",n*i))
            if ins!=ns then exit end if
        end for
        if i=7 then
            printf(1,fmt,{smother,n,steps} & sq_mul(n,tagset(6,2)))
            nowtelse = "Nothing else"
            smother = "Another"
            exit    -- (see below)
        end if
        n += 3
        steps += 1
    end if
end while
Nothing less than 10 (0 steps)
Nothing less than 100 (2 steps)
Nothing less than 1,000 (22 steps)
Nothing less than 10,000 (222 steps)
Nothing less than 100,000 (2,222 steps)
Smallest positive integer n for which (2..6)*n contain the same digits:
    n = 142,857 (14,285 steps, hmmm...)
2 x n = 285,714
3 x n = 428,571
4 x n = 571,428
5 x n = 714,285
6 x n = 857,142

extended output

If we comment out that "exit -- (see below)", as per the AppleScript comments and the Pascal output, some patterns start to emerge in the values and number of steps: *10 is a bit of a given, whereas "insert 9s before the 8" is (for me) a bit more unexpected. Be warned: on the desktop, 1e8 takes about 9s, 1e9 about 90s, so I'll predict 1e10 would take 15mins (and need 64bit) and I'll not try to compete with Pascal in terms of performance, though I am getting very different results above 1e7. Under pwa/p2js 1e8 takes about 30s (meh) so I've limited it to 1e7 (2.3s).

Nothing else less than 1,000,000 (22,222 steps)
Another positive integer n for which (2..6)*n contain the same digits:
    n = 1,428,570 (142,856 steps, hmmm...)
2 x n = 2,857,140
3 x n = 4,285,710
4 x n = 5,714,280
5 x n = 7,142,850
6 x n = 8,571,420
Another positive integer n for which (2..6)*n contain the same digits:
    n = 1,429,857 (143,285 steps, hmmm...)
2 x n = 2,859,714
3 x n = 4,289,571
4 x n = 5,719,428
5 x n = 7,149,285
6 x n = 8,579,142
Nothing else less than 10,000,000 (222,222 steps)
Another positive integer n for which (2..6)*n contain the same digits:
    n = 14,285,700 (1,428,566 steps, hmmm...)
2 x n = 28,571,400
3 x n = 42,857,100
4 x n = 57,142,800
5 x n = 71,428,500
6 x n = 85,714,200
Another positive integer n for which (2..6)*n contain the same digits:
    n = 14,298,570 (1,432,856 steps, hmmm...)
2 x n = 28,597,140
3 x n = 42,895,710
4 x n = 57,194,280
5 x n = 71,492,850
6 x n = 85,791,420
Another positive integer n for which (2..6)*n contain the same digits:
    n = 14,299,857 (1,433,285 steps, hmmm...)
2 x n = 28,599,714
3 x n = 42,899,571
4 x n = 57,199,428
5 x n = 71,499,285
6 x n = 85,799,142
Nothing else less than 100,000,000 (2,222,222 steps)
Another positive integer n for which (2..6)*n contain the same digits:
    n = 142,857,000 (14,285,666 steps, hmmm...)
2 x n = 285,714,000
3 x n = 428,571,000
4 x n = 571,428,000
5 x n = 714,285,000
6 x n = 857,142,000
Another positive integer n for which (2..6)*n contain the same digits:
    n = 142,985,700 (14,328,566 steps, hmmm...)
2 x n = 285,971,400
3 x n = 428,957,100
4 x n = 571,942,800
5 x n = 714,928,500
6 x n = 857,914,200
Another positive integer n for which (2..6)*n contain the same digits:
    n = 142,998,570 (14,332,856 steps, hmmm...)
2 x n = 285,997,140
3 x n = 428,995,710
4 x n = 571,994,280
5 x n = 714,992,850
6 x n = 857,991,420
Another positive integer n for which (2..6)*n contain the same digits:
    n = 142,999,857 (14,333,285 steps, hmmm...)
2 x n = 285,999,714
3 x n = 428,999,571
4 x n = 571,999,428
5 x n = 714,999,285
6 x n = 857,999,142
Nothing else less than 1,000,000,000 (22,222,222 steps)

I believe that last pattern will be continue to be valid no matter how many 9s are inserted in the middle.


<lang perl6>put display (^∞).map(1 ~ *) -> \n { next unless [eq] (2,3,4,5,6).map: { (n × $_).comb.sort.join }; n } ).first;

sub display ($n) { join "\n", " n: $n", (2..6).map: { "×$_: {$n×$_}" } }</lang>

 n: 142857
×2: 285714
×3: 428571
×4: 571428
×5: 714285
×6: 857142


<lang rexx>/*REXX program finds and displays the smallest positive integer n such that ··· */ /*───────────────────────── 2*n, 3*n, 4*5, 5*6, and 6*n contain the same decimal digits.*/

       do n=1                                   /*increment  N  from unity 'til answer.*/
       b= 2*n                                   /*calculate the product of:     2*n    */
       t= 3*n                                   /*    "      "     "     "      3*n    */
              if verify(t, b)>0  then iterate   /*T doesn't have required digits?  Skip*/
       q= 4*n                                   /*calculate the product of:     4*n    */
              if verify(q, b)>0  then iterate   /*Q doesn't have required digits?  Skip*/
              if verify(q, t)>0  then iterate   /*"    "      "      "      "        " */
       v= 5*n                                   /*calculate the product of:     5*n    */
              if verify(v, b)<0  then iterate   /*V doesn't have required digits?  Skip*/
              if verify(v, t)>0  then iterate   /*"    "      "      "      "        " */
              if verify(v, q)>0  then iterate   /*"    "      "      "      "        " */
       s= 6*n                                   /*calculate the product of:     6*n    */
              if verify(s, b)>0  then iterate   /*S doesn't have required digits?  Skip*/
              if verify(s, t)>0  then iterate   /*"    "      "      "      "        " */
              if verify(s, q)>0  then iterate   /*"    "      "      "      "        " */
              if verify(s, v)>0  then iterate   /*"    "      "      "      "        " */
       say '           n ='  commas(n)          /*display the value of:     n          */
       say '         2*n ='  commas(b)          /*   "     "    "    "    2*n          */
       say '         3*n ='  commas(t)          /*   "     "    "    "    3*n          */
       say '         4*n ='  commas(q)          /*   "     "    "    "    4*n          */
       say '         5*n ='  commas(v)          /*   "     "    "    "    5*n          */
       say '         6*n ='  commas(s)          /*   "     "    "    "    6*n          */
       leave                                    /*found the   N  number, time to leave.*/
       end   /*n*/

exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ commas: parse arg ?; do jc=length(?)-3 to 1 by -3; ?=insert(',', ?, jc); end; return ?</lang>

output   when using the internal default input:
            n = 142,857
          2*n = 285,714
          3*n = 428,571
          4*n = 571,428
          5*n = 714,285
          6*n = 857,142


<lang ring> load "stdlib.ring"

see "working..." + nl see "Permuted multiples are:" + nl per = list(6) perm = list(6)

for n = 1 to 1000000

   for x = 2 to 6
       perm[x] = []
   perStr = list(6)
   for z = 2 to 6
       per[z] = n*z
       perStr[z] = string(per[z])
       for m = 1 to len(perStr[z])
   for y = 2 to 6
       perm[y] = sort(perm[y])
       perStr[y] = list2str(perm[y])
       perStr[y] = substr(perStr[y],nl,"")
   if perStr[2] = perStr[3] and perStr[2] = perStr[4] and perStr[2] = perStr[5] and perStr[2] = perStr[6]
      see "n   = " + n + nl
      see "2*n = " + (n*2) + nl
      see "3*n = " + (n*3) + nl
      see "4*n = " + (n*4) + nl
      see "5*n = " + (n*5) + nl
      see "6*n = " + (n*6) + nl


see "done..." + nl </lang>

Permuted multiples are:
n   = 142857
2*n = 285714
3*n = 428571
4*n = 571428
5*n = 714285
6*n = 857142


Library: Wren-math

One thing that's immediately clear is that the number must begin with '1' otherwise the higher multiples will have more digits than it has. <lang ecmascript>import "/math" for Int

// assumes l1 is sorted but l2 is not var areSame = { |l1, l2|

   if (l1.count != l2.count) return false
   for (i in 0...l1.count) {
       if (l1[i] != l2[i]) return false
   return true


var i = 100 // clearly a 1 or 2 digit number is impossible var nextPow = 1000 while (true) {

   var digits = Int.digits(i)
   if (digits[0] != 1) {
       i = nextPow
       nextPow = nextPow * 10
   var allSame = true
   for (j in 2..6) {
       var digits2 = Int.digits(i * j)
       if (!, digits2)) {
           allSame = false
   if (allSame) {
       System.print("The smallest positive integer n for which the following")
       System.print("multiples contain exactly the same digits is:")
       System.print("    n = %(i)")
       for (k in 2..6) System.print("%(k) x n = %(k * i)")
   i = i + 1


The smallest positive integer n for which the following
multiples contain exactly the same digits is:
    n = 142857
2 x n = 285714
3 x n = 428571
4 x n = 571428
5 x n = 714285
6 x n = 857142