Ulam numbers: Difference between revisions

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*   [[oeis:A002858|OEIS Ulam numbers]]
*   [[oeis:A002858|OEIS Ulam numbers]]

<lang go>package main

import "fmt"

func ulam(n int) int {
ulams := []int{1, 2}
set := map[int]bool{1: true, 2: true}
i := 3
for {
count := 0
for j := 0; j < len(ulams); j++ {
_, ok := set[i-ulams[j]]
if ok && ulams[j] != (i-ulams[j]) {
if count > 2 {
if count == 2 {
ulams = append(ulams, i)
set[i] = true
if len(ulams) == n {
return ulams[n-1]

func main() {
for n := 10; n <= 10000; n *= 10 {
fmt.Println("The", n, "\bth Ulam number is", ulam(n))

The 10th Ulam number is 18
The 100th Ulam number is 690
The 1000th Ulam number is 12294
The 10000th Ulam number is 132788


Revision as of 12:06, 1 December 2020

With the following initial conditions:

      u1 = 1 
      u2 = 2 

we define the n-th Ulam number un as the number such that is greater than un-1 and uniquely written as a sum of two different Ulam numbers ui (<n) and uj (<n).


Write a function to generate the n-th Ulam number.



Translation of: Wren

<lang go>package main

import "fmt"

func ulam(n int) int {

   ulams := []int{1, 2}
   set := map[int]bool{1: true, 2: true}
   i := 3
   for {
       count := 0
       for j := 0; j < len(ulams); j++ {
           _, ok := set[i-ulams[j]]
           if ok && ulams[j] != (i-ulams[j]) {
           if count > 2 {
       if count == 2 {
           ulams = append(ulams, i)
           set[i] = true
           if len(ulams) == n {
   return ulams[n-1]


func main() {

   for n := 10; n <= 10000; n *= 10 {
       fmt.Println("The", n, "\bth Ulam number is", ulam(n))


The 10th Ulam number is 18
The 100th Ulam number is 690
The 1000th Ulam number is 12294
The 10000th Ulam number is 132788


Lazy List

<lang haskell>ulam

 :: Integral i =>
    Int -> i

ulam 1 = 1 ulam 2 = 2 ulam n

 | n > 2 = ulams !! (n-1)


 :: Integral n =>

ulams = 1:2:(nexts [2,1]) nexts us = u: (nexts (u:us))

   n = length us
   [u] = head . filter isSingleton . group . sort  $ 
           [v | i <- [0 .. n-2], j <- [i+1 .. n-1] 
              , let s = us !! i
              , let t = us !! j
              , let v = s+t
              , v > head us

isSingleton :: [a] -> Bool isSingleton as

 | length as == 1 = True
 | otherwise      = False</lang>


Library: Wren-set

<lang ecmascript>import "/set" for Set

var ulam = Fn.new() { |n|

   var ulams = [1, 2]
   var set = Set.new(ulams)
   var i = 3
   while (true) {
       var count = 0
       for (j in 0...ulams.count) {
           if (set.contains(i - ulams[j]) && ulams[j] != (i - ulams[j])) {
               count = count + 1
           if (count > 2) break
       if (count == 2) {
           if (ulams.count == n) break
       i = i + 1
   return ulams[-1]


var n = 1 while (true) {

   n = n * 10
   System.print("The %(n)th Ulam number is %(ulam.call(n))")
   if (n == 10000) break


The 10th Ulam number is 18
The 100th Ulam number is 690
The 1000th Ulam number is 12294
The 10000th Ulam number is 132788