Determine if a string has all unique characters: Difference between revisions

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CalmoSoft (talk | contribs)
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"😍😀🙌💃😍🙌" (size 6) has duplicate char 😍 (0x1f60d) on 0 and 4.
"🐠🐟🐡🦈🐬🐳🐋🐡" (size 8) has duplicate char 🐡 (0x1f421) on 2 and 7.
<lang rust>fn unique(s: &str) -> Option<(usize, usize, char)> {
s.chars().enumerate().find_map(|(i, c)| {
.skip(i + 1)
.find(|(_, other)| c == *other)
.map(|(j, _)| (i, j, c))
fn main() {
let strings = [
for string in &strings {
print!("\"{}\" (length {})", string, string.chars().count());
match unique(string) {
None => println!(" is unique"),
Some((i, j, c)) => println!(
" is not unique\n\tfirst duplicate: \"{}\" (U+{:0>4X}) at indices {} and {}",
c, c as usize, i, j
<pre>"" (length 0) is unique
"." (length 1) is unique
"abcABC" (length 6) is unique
"XYZ ZYX" (length 7) is not unique
first duplicate: "X" (U+0058) at indices 0 and 6
"1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMN0PQRSTUVWXYZ" (length 36) is not unique
first duplicate: "0" (U+0030) at indices 9 and 24
"01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMN0PQRSTUVWXYZ0X" (length 39) is not unique
first duplicate: "0" (U+0030) at indices 0 and 10
"hétérogénéité" (length 13) is not unique
first duplicate: "é" (U+00E9) at indices 1 and 3
"🎆🎃🎇🎈" (length 4) is unique
"😍😀🙌💃😍🙌" (length 6) is not unique
first duplicate: "😍" (U+1F60D) at indices 0 and 4
"🐠🐟🐡🦈🐬🐳🐋🐡" (length 8) is not unique
first duplicate: "🐡" (U+1F421) at indices 2 and 7