Fraction reduction: Difference between revisions

Line 1,889:
<pre>16/64 = 1/4 by omitting 6's
19/95 = 1/5 by omitting 9's
26/65 = 2/5 by omitting 6's
49/98 = 4/8 by omitting 9's
132/231 = 12/21 by omitting 3's
134/536 = 14/56 by omitting 3's
134/938 = 14/98 by omitting 3's
136/238 = 16/28 by omitting 3's
138/345 = 18/45 by omitting 3's
139/695 = 13/65 by omitting 9's
143/341 = 13/31 by omitting 4's
146/365 = 14/35 by omitting 6's
149/298 = 14/28 by omitting 9's
149/596 = 14/56 by omitting 9's
149/894 = 14/84 by omitting 9's
154/253 = 14/23 by omitting 5's
1234/4936 = 124/496 by omitting 3's
1239/6195 = 123/615 by omitting 9's
1246/3649 = 126/369 by omitting 4's
1249/2498 = 124/248 by omitting 9's
1259/6295 = 125/625 by omitting 9's
1279/6395 = 127/635 by omitting 9's
1283/5132 = 128/512 by omitting 3's
1297/2594 = 127/254 by omitting 9's
1297/3891 = 127/381 by omitting 9's
1298/2596 = 128/256 by omitting 9's
1298/3894 = 128/384 by omitting 9's
1298/5192 = 128/512 by omitting 9's
12349/24698 = 1234/2468 by omitting 9's
12356/67958 = 1236/6798 by omitting 5's
12358/14362 = 1258/1462 by omitting 3's
12358/15364 = 1258/1564 by omitting 3's
12358/17368 = 1258/1768 by omitting 3's
12358/19372 = 1258/1972 by omitting 3's
12358/21376 = 1258/2176 by omitting 3's
12358/25384 = 1258/2584 by omitting 3's
12359/61795 = 1235/6175 by omitting 9's
12364/32596 = 1364/3596 by omitting 2's
12379/61895 = 1237/6185 by omitting 9's
12386/32654 = 1386/3654 by omitting 2's
There are 4 2-digit fractions of which:
2 have 6's omitted
2 have 9's omitted
There are 122 3-digit fractions of which:
9 have 3's omitted
1 have 4's omitted
6 have 5's omitted
15 have 6's omitted
16 have 7's omitted
15 have 8's omitted
60 have 9's omitted
There are 660 4-digit fractions of which:
14 have 1's omitted
25 have 2's omitted
92 have 3's omitted
14 have 4's omitted
29 have 5's omitted
63 have 6's omitted
16 have 7's omitted
17 have 8's omitted
390 have 9's omitted
There are 5087 5-digit fractions of which:
75 have 1's omitted
40 have 2's omitted
376 have 3's omitted
78 have 4's omitted
209 have 5's omitted
379 have 6's omitted
591 have 7's omitted
351 have 8's omitted
2988 have 9's omitted</pre>
<lang lua>function indexOf(haystack, needle)
for idx,straw in pairs(haystack) do
if straw == needle then
return idx
return -1
function getDigits(n, le, digits)
while n > 0 do
local r = n % 10
if r == 0 or indexOf(digits, r) > 0 then
return false
le = le - 1
digits[le + 1] = r
n = math.floor(n / 10)
return true
function removeDigit(digits, le, idx)
local pows = { 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000 }
local sum = 0
local pow = pows[le - 2 + 1]
for i = 1, le do
if i ~= idx then
sum = sum + digits[i] * pow
pow = math.floor(pow / 10)
return sum
function main()
local lims = { {12, 97}, {123, 986}, {1234, 9875}, {12345, 98764} }
local count = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
local omitted = {
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
for i,_ in pairs(lims) do
local nDigits = {}
local dDigits = {}
for j = 1, i + 2 - 1 do
nDigits[j] = -1
dDigits[j] = -1
for n = lims[i][1], lims[i][2] do
for j,_ in pairs(nDigits) do
nDigits[j] = 0
local nOk = getDigits(n, i + 2 - 1, nDigits)
if nOk then
for d = n + 1, lims[i][2] + 1 do
for j,_ in pairs(dDigits) do
dDigits[j] = 0
local dOk = getDigits(d, i + 2 - 1, dDigits)
if dOk then
for nix,_ in pairs(nDigits) do
local digit = nDigits[nix]
local dix = indexOf(dDigits, digit)
if dix >= 0 then
local rn = removeDigit(nDigits, i + 2 - 1, nix)
local rd = removeDigit(dDigits, i + 2 - 1, dix)
if (n / d) == (rn / rd) then
count[i] = count[i] + 1
omitted[i][digit + 1] = omitted[i][digit + 1] + 1
if count[i] <= 12 then
print(string.format("%d/%d = %d/%d by omitting %d's", n, d, rn, rd, digit))
for i = 2, 5 do
print("There are "..count[i - 2 + 1].." "..i.."-digit fractions of which:")
for j = 1, 9 do
if omitted[i - 2 + 1][j + 1] > 0 then
print(string.format("%6d have %d's omitted", omitted[i - 2 + 1][j + 1], j))
<pre>16/64 = 1/4 by omitting 6's
