Sequence: nth number with exactly n divisors: Difference between revisions

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m →‎{{header|REXX}}: added automatic width adjustment for the output.
m →‎{{header|REXX}}: added an optimized REXX version.
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Programming note:   this REXX version has minor optimization, and all terms of the sequence are determined (found) in order.
===little optimization===
<lang rexx>/*REXX program finds and displays the Nth number with exactly N divisors. */
parse arg N . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/
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45 327,184
===more optimization===
Programming note: &nbsp; this REXX version has major optimization, and the logic flow is:
:::* &nbsp; build a table of prime numbers (this also helps winnow the numbers being tested).
:::* &nbsp; the generation of the sequence is broken into three parts:
::::::* &nbsp; odd prime numbers.
::::::* &nbsp; odd non-prime numbers.
::::::* &nbsp; even numbers.
<lang rexx>/*REXX program finds and displays the Nth number with exactly N divisors. */
parse arg N . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/
if N=='' | N=="," then N= 15 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/
@.1= 2; Ps= 1; !.= 0; !.1= 2 /*1st prime; number of primes (so far)*/
do p=3 until Ps==N**3 /* [↓] gen N primes, store in @ array.*/
if \isPrime(p) then iterate; Ps= Ps + 1; if Ps<=N then @.Ps= p; !.p= 1
end /*p*/
zfin.= 0; zcnt. = 0; znum.1= 1; znum.2= 3 /*completed; index; count of items.*/
w= 50 /*──────────handle odd primes──────────*/
do j=3 by 2 to N; if \!.j then iterate /*Not prime? Then skip this odd number*/
zfin.j= 1; zcnt.j= j; znum.j= pPow(); /*compute # divisors for this odd prime*/
w= max(w, length( commas( znum.j) ) ) /*the last prime will be the biggest #.*/
end /*j*/ /*process a small number of primes ≤ N.*/
dd.=; mx= 200000 /*──────────handle odd non─primes──────*/
do j=3 by 2 to N; if !.j then iterate /*Is a prime? Then skip this odd prime*/
do sq=6; _= sq*sq /*step through squares starting at 36.*/
if dd._\=='' then d= dd._ /*maybe use a pre─computed # divisors. */
else d= #divs(_) /*Not defined? Then calculate # divs. */
if _<=mx then dd._= d /*use memoization for the evens loop.*/
if d\==j then iterate /*if not the right D, then skip this sq*/
zcnt.d= zcnt.d+1; if zcnt.d==d then zfin.d= 1; znum.d= _
if zfin.d then iterate j /*if all were found, then do next odd#*/
end /*sq*/
end /*j*/
/*──────────handle even numbers.───────*/
do j=4 by 2; if dd.j\=='' then d= dd.j /*maybe use a pre─computed # divisors. */
else d= #divs(j) /*Not defined? Then calculate # divs. */
if d>N then iterate /*Divisors greater than N? Then skip. */
if zfin.d then iterate /*Already populated? " " */
else do; zcnt.d= zcnt.d+1; if zcnt.d==d then zfin.d= 1; znum.d= j
if done() then leave /*j*/ /*Are the even #'s all done? */
end /*j*/
say '─divisors─' center("the Nth number with exactly N divisors", w, '─') /*title.*/
do s=1 for N; call tell s,commas(znum.s) /*display Nth number with number divs*/
end /*s*/
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
commas: parse arg _; do c=length(_)-3 to 1 by -3; _=insert(',', _, c); end; return _
done: do f=N by -1 for N-3; if \zfin.f then return 0; end; return 1
pPow: numeric digits 2000; return @.j**(j-1) /*temporarily increase decimal digits. */
#divs: procedure; parse arg x 1 y /*X and Y: both set from 1st argument.*/
if x<7 then do /*handle special cases for numbers < 7.*/
if x<3 then return x /* " " " " one and two.*/
if x<5 then return x - 1 /* " " " " three & four*/
if x==5 then return 2 /* " " " " five. */
if x==6 then return 4 /* " " " " six. */
odd= x // 2 /*check if X is odd or not. */
if odd then do; #= 1; end /*Odd? Assume Pdivisors count of 1.*/
else do; #= 3; y= x%2; end /*Even? " " " " 3.*/
/* [↑] start with known num of Pdivs.*/
do k=3 for x%2-3 by 1+odd while k<y /*for odd numbers, skip evens.*/
if x//k==0 then do /*if no remainder, then found a divisor*/
#=#+2; y=x%k /*bump # Pdivs, calculate limit Y. */
if k>=y then do; #= #-1; leave; end /*limit?*/
end /* ___ */
else if k*k>x then leave /*only divide up to √ x */
end /*k*/ /* [↑] this form of DO loop is faster.*/
return #+1 /*bump "proper divisors" to "divisors".*/
isPrime: procedure; parse arg # . '' -1 _
if #<31 then do; if wordpos(#, '2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29')\==0 then return 1
if #<2 then return 0
if #// 2==0 then return 0; if #// 3==0 then return 0; if _==5 then return 0
if #// 7==0 then return 0; if #//11==0 then return 0; if #//11==0 then return 0
if #//13==0 then return 0; if #//17==0 then return 0; if #//19==0 then return 0
do i=23 by 6 until i*i>#; if #// i ==0 then return 0
if #//(i+2)==0 then return 0
end /*i*/ /* ___ */
return 1 /*Exceeded √ # ? Then # is prime. */
tell: parse arg idx,_; say center(idx, 10) right(_, w)
if idx//5==0 then say; return /*display a separator for the eyeballs.*/</lang>
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; is identical to the 1<sup>st</sup> REXX version.}} <br><br>