Sequence: smallest number with exactly n divisors: Difference between revisions

Added R. So short that I'm wondering if I've missed a point.
(→‎{{header|jq}}: streaming)
(Added R. So short that I'm wondering if I've missed a point.)
Line 1,416:
<pre>1 2 4 6 16 12 64 24 36 48 1024 60 4096 192 144</pre>
Could probably be speeded up by caching the results of divisorCount, but it's quick enough already. Not to mention, delightfully short.
<lang R>#Need to add 1 to account for skipping n. Not the most efficient way to count divisors, but quite clear.
divisorCount <- function(n) length(Filter(function(x) n %% x == 0, seq_len(n %/% 2))) + 1
smallestWithNDivisors <- function(n)
i <- 1
while(divisorCount(i) != n) i <- i + 1
print(sapply(1:15, smallestWithNDivisors))</lang>
<pre>[1] 1 2 4 6 16 12 64 24 36 48 1024 60 4096 192 144</pre>
