Perceptron: Difference between revisions

2,827 bytes added ,  2 years ago
Perceptron en FreeBASIC
(Added Wren)
(Perceptron en FreeBASIC)
Line 306:
After 500 trainings: 95.86 % accurate
After 1000 trainings: 99.8 % accurate</pre>
El código es de D.J.Peters (
Yo solo lo transcribo.
<lang freebasic>
Function rnd2 As Single
Return Rnd()-Rnd()
End Function
Type Perceptron
Declare Constructor(Byval n As Integer)
Declare Function feedforward(Byval in As Single Ptr) As Integer
Declare Function activate(Byval sum As Single) As Integer
Declare Sub train(Byval in As Single Ptr, Byval uit As Integer)
As Integer lastItem
As Single Ptr weights
As Single c = 0.01
End Type
Constructor Perceptron(Byval n As Integer)
lastItem = n-1
weights = New Single[n]
For i As Integer = 0 To lastItem
weights[i] = rnd2()
Next i
End Constructor
Function Perceptron.feedforward(Byval in As Single Ptr) As Integer
Dim As Single sum
For i As Integer = 0 To lastItem
sum += in[i] * weights[i]
Return activate(sum)
End Function
Function Perceptron.activate(Byval sum As Single) As Integer
Return Iif(sum>0, 1, -1)
End Function
Sub Perceptron.train(Byval in As Single Ptr, Byval uit As Integer)
Dim As Integer gues = feedforward(in)
Dim As Single error_ = uit - gues
For i As Integer = 0 To lastitem
weights[i] += c * error_ * in[i]
End Sub
Type Trainer
Declare Constructor (Byval x As Single, Byval y As Single, Byval a As Integer)
As Single inputs(2)
As Integer answer
End Type
Constructor Trainer(Byval x As Single, Byval y As Single, Byval a As Integer)
inputs(0) = x
inputs(1) = y
inputs(2) = 1.0
answer = a
End Constructor
Function f(Byval x As Single) As Single
Return 2 * x + 1
End Function
Const As Integer NTRAINERS = 2000
Const As Integer NWIDTH = 640
Const As Integer NHEIGHT = 360
Dim Shared As Perceptron Ptr ptron
Dim Shared As Trainer Ptr training(NTRAINERS-1)
Dim Shared As Integer count
Sub setup()
count = 0
ptron = New Perceptron(3)
For i As Integer = 0 To NTRAINERS-1
Dim As Single x = rnd2() * NWIDTH /2
Dim As Single y = rnd2() * NHEIGHT/2
Dim As Integer answer = 1
If (y < f(x)) Then answer = -1
training(i) = New Trainer(x , y , answer)
Next i
End Sub
Sub drawit()
ptron -> train(@training(count)->inputs(0), training(count)->answer)
count = (count + 1) Mod NTRAINERS
For i As Integer = 0 To count
Dim As Integer gues = ptron->feedforward(@training(i)->inputs(0))
If (gues > 0) Then
End If
Next i
End Sub
While Inkey() = ""
Sleep 100
