Hunt the Wumpus: Difference between revisions

Add Haskell
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<lang Haskell>import System.Random
import System.IO
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import Control.Monad
-- Rooms
cave :: [[Int]]
cave = [
[1,4,7], [0,2,9], [1,3,11], [2,4,13], [0,3,5],
[4,6,14], [5,7,16], [0,6,8], [7,9,17], [1,8,10],
[9,11,18], [2,10,12], [11,13,19], [3,12,14], [5,13,15],
[14,16,19], [6,15,17], [8,16,18], [10,17,19], [12,15,18]]
caveSize :: Int
caveSize = length cave
-- Game state
data GameState = GameState {
wumpus :: Int,
player :: Int,
arrows :: Int,
pits :: [Int],
bats :: [Int]
-- Print the state of the game
instance Show GameState where
show g = "You are in room " ++ show (player g) ++ ". " ++
"Adjacent rooms are: " ++ (intercalate ", " $ map show adjs) ++
".\nYou have " ++ show (arrows g) ++ " arrows.\n\n" ++
where adjs = cave!!player g
adj = any (`elem` adjs) . ($ g)
adjMsgs = unlines $
["You smell something terrible nearby." | adj $ pure.wumpus]
++ ["You hear a rustling." | adj bats]
++ ["You feel a cold wind blowing from a nearby cavern." | adj pits]
-- Generate random initial state
initGame :: StdGen -> GameState
initGame g =
GameState {wumpus=w, player=p, arrows=5, pits=[p1,p2], bats=[b1,b2]}
where [w, p, p1, p2, b1, b2] = take 6 $ nub $ map (`mod` 20) $ randoms g
-- Move wumpus into adjacent free room (if possible)
moveWumpus :: GameState -> StdGen -> GameState
moveWumpus s g
| null freeAdj = s
| otherwise = s {wumpus = freeAdj!!(fst $ randomR (0, length freeAdj-1) g)}
where freeAdj = [r | r <- cave!!wumpus s, not $ elem r $ pits s++bats s]
-- Move player into random adjacent room
movePlayer :: GameState -> StdGen -> GameState
movePlayer s g = s {player = (cave !! player s) !! (fst $ randomR (0,2) g)}
-- Move or shoot
data Action = Move | Shoot | Quit deriving Show
inputAction :: IO Action
inputAction = do
putStr "M)ove, S)hoot or Q)uit? "
hFlush stdout
ch <- getChar
putStrLn ""
case toLower ch of
'm' -> return Move
's' -> return Shoot
'q' -> return Quit
_ -> putStrLn "Invalid command" >> inputAction
-- Get room from current room
inputDestination :: Int -> IO Int
inputDestination cur = do
putStr "Where to? "
hFlush stdout
input <- getLine
case reads input of
[] -> err "Sorry?"
[(x,_)] -> if x `elem` (cave !! cur)
then return x
else err "Can't get there from here."
err x = putStrLn x >> inputDestination cur
-- Input yes or no
inputYesNo :: IO Bool
inputYesNo = do
ch <- getChar
case toLower ch of
'n' -> putStrLn "" >> return False
'y' -> putStrLn "" >> return True
_ -> putStr (map chr [7,8]) >> inputYesNo
-- See if anything has happened to the player
data PlayerState = NoArrows | Bat | Pit | Wumpus | Alive deriving Show
playerState :: GameState -> PlayerState
playerState s | player s == wumpus s = Wumpus
| player s `elem` bats s = Bat
| player s `elem` pits s = Pit
| arrows s == 0 = NoArrows
| otherwise = Alive
-- Game loop
data GameResult = Win | Lose | Stop deriving Show
game :: GameState -> IO GameResult
game s = case playerState s of
Wumpus -> putStrLn "You find yourself face to face with the wumpus."
>> putStrLn "It eats you alive in one bite.\n"
>> return Lose
Pit -> putStrLn "You fall into a deep pit. Death waits at the bottom.\n"
>> return Lose
Bat -> putStrLn "You have walked into the lair of a giant bat."
>> putStrLn "It picks you up and deposits you outside.\n"
>> newStdGen >>= game . movePlayer s
NoArrows -> putStrLn "You notice you are out of arrows."
>> putStrLn "You hear a large beast approaching.\n"
>> return Lose
Alive -> do
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ show s
action <- inputAction
case action of
Quit -> return Stop
_ -> do
dest <- inputDestination (player s)
case action of
Move -> game s {player = dest}
Shoot -> shoot s dest
-- Shoot at the wumpus
shoot :: GameState -> Int -> IO GameResult
shoot s tgt
| tgt == wumpus s = do
putStrLn "Congratulations! You shot the wumpus!\n"
return Win
| otherwise = do
let s'' = s { arrows = pred $ arrows s }
putStrLn "That's a miss."
awake <- randomRIO (0,3::Int)
if awake /= 0 then do
putStrLn "The wumpus wakes from his slumber."
newStdGen >>= game . moveWumpus s''
game s''
-- Play a game
playGame :: IO ()
playGame = do
result <- newStdGen >>= game . initGame
case result of
Stop -> return ()
_ -> do
case result of
Lose -> putStrLn "You have met your demise."
Win -> putStrLn "You win!"
putStr "\nAnother game? (Y/N) "
inputYesNo >>= flip when playGame
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
putStrLn "*** HUNT THE WUMPUS ***"
putStrLn ""
