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a card reader, a card punch or a line printer, or even to a set up in
nuclear physics the results of which are collected by the computer),
or to a filestore maintained by the operating system.</i>[].
To establish a channel with such a device there is a special standard procedure:<pre>
PROC establish = (REF FILE file, STRING idf, CHANNEL chan, INT p, l, c) INT: ~ </pre>
Where the <code>idf</code> string is text describing which device to open, and possibly options.
options. And <code>chan</code> is the actual device type. Standard CHANNELCHANNELs in ALGOL 68 are <code>stand in chan</code>,
ALGOL 68 are <code>stand outin chan</code>, and <code>stand backout chan</code>., and Site would be expected to implement their<code>stand own
back chan</code>. These determine the type of the pre opened stdio FILEs <code>stand in</code>,
CHANNELS for database queries and particle accelerators etc.
<code>stand out</code>, and <code>stand back</code>. A site would be expected to
CHANNELSimplement their own CHANNELs for network connections, database queries and particle accelerators etc.
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