Vector: Difference between revisions

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<lang clu>% Parameterized vector class
vector = cluster [T: type] is make, add, sub, mul, div,
get_x, get_y, to_string
% The inner type must support basic math
where T has add: proctype (T,T) returns (T)
signals (overflow, underflow),
sub: proctype (T,T) returns (T)
signals (overflow, underflow),
mul: proctype (T,T) returns (T)
signals (overflow, underflow),
div: proctype (T,T) returns (T)
signals (zero_divide, overflow, underflow)
rep = struct [x,y: T]
% instantiate
make = proc (x,y: T) returns (cvt)
return(rep${x:x, y:y})
end make
% vector addition and subtraction
add = proc (a,b: cvt) returns (cvt)
signals (overflow, underflow)
return(rep${x: up(a).x + up(b).x,
y: up(a).y + up(b).y})
resignal overflow, underflow
end add
sub = proc (a,b: cvt) returns (cvt)
signals (overflow, underflow)
return(rep${x: up(a).x - up(b).x,
y: up(a).y - up(b).y})
resignal overflow, underflow
end sub
% scalar multiplication and division
mul = proc (a: cvt, b: T) returns (cvt)
signals (overflow, underflow)
return(rep${x: up(a).x*b, y: up(a).y*b})
resignal overflow, underflow
end mul
div = proc (a: cvt, b: T) returns (cvt)
signals (zero_divide, overflow, underflow)
return(rep${x: up(a).x/b, y: up(a).y/b})
resignal zero_divide, overflow, underflow
end div
% accessors
get_x = proc (v: cvt) returns (T) return(v.x) end get_x
get_y = proc (v: cvt) returns (T) return(v.y) end get_y
% we can't just use T$unparse for pretty-printing, since
% for floats it always prints the exponential form, and
% that's not very pretty.
% passing in a conversion function at the moment of
% generating the string form is the least bad way.
to_string = proc (v: cvt, f: proctype (T) returns (string))
returns (string)
return("(" || f(v.x) || ", " || f(v.y) || ")")
end to_string
end vector
% this function formats a real somewhat neatly without needing
% extra parameters
format_real = proc (r: real) returns (string)
return(f_form(r, 2, 4))
end format_real
start_up = proc ()
vr = vector[real] % use real numbers
po: stream := stream$primary_output()
% vectors
a: vr := vr$make(5.0, 7.0)
b: vr := vr$make(2.0, 3.0)
% do some math
a_plus_b: vr := a + b
a_minus_b: vr := a - b
a_times_11: vr := a * 11.0
a_div_2: vr := a / 2.0
% show the results
stream$putl(po, " a = " || vr$to_string(a, format_real))
stream$putl(po, " b = " || vr$to_string(b, format_real))
stream$putl(po, " a + b = " || vr$to_string(a_plus_b, format_real))
stream$putl(po, " a - b = " || vr$to_string(a_minus_b, format_real))
stream$putl(po, "a * 11 = " || vr$to_string(a_times_11, format_real))
stream$putl(po, " a / 2 = " || vr$to_string(a_div_2, format_real))
end start_up </lang>
<pre> a = (5.0000, 7.0000)
b = (2.0000, 3.0000)
a + b = (7.0000, 10.0000)
a - b = (3.0000, 4.0000)
a * 11 = (55.0000, 77.0000)
a / 2 = (2.5000, 3.5000)</pre>
