Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications: Difference between revisions

(rm link)
Line 80:
Totals up to: 20000
Perfect: 4
Abundant: 4953
Deficient: 15043
works with GNU Awk 3.1.5 and with BusyBox v1.21.1
<lang AWK>
#!/bin/gawk -f
function sumprop(num, i,sum,root) {
if (num == 1) return 0
for ( i=2; i < root; i++) {
if (num % i == 0 )
sum = sum + i + num/i
if (num % root == 0)
sum = sum + root
return sum
limit = 20000
abundant = 0
defiecient =0
perfect = 0
for (j=1; j < limit+1; j++)
sump = sumprop(j)
if (sump < j) deficient = deficient + 1
if (sump == j) perfect = perfect + 1
if (sump > j) abundant = abundant + 1
print "For 1 through " limit
print "Perfect: " perfect
print "Abundant: " abundant
print "Deficient: " deficient
For 1 through 20000
Perfect: 4
Abundant: 4953
Anonymous user