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Add Common Lisp implementation
m (→‎{{header|PicoLisp}}: Use '0' instead of 'T')
(Add Common Lisp implementation)
Line 502:
return 0;
=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
<lang lisp>(defstruct alternation
(alternatives nil :type list))
(defun alternatives-end-positions (string start)
(assert (char= (char string start) #\{))
(loop with level = 0
with end-positions
with escapep and commap
for index from start below (length string)
for c = (char string index)
do (cond (escapep
(setf escapep nil))
((char= c #\\)
(setf escapep t))
((char= c #\{)
(incf level))
((char= c #\})
(decf level)
(when (zerop level)
(push index end-positions)
((and (char= c #\,) (= level 1))
(setf commap t)
(push index end-positions)))
finally (return (and (zerop level) commap (nreverse end-positions)))))
(defun parse-alternation (string start)
(loop with end-positions = (alternatives-end-positions string start)
for %start = (1+ start) then (1+ %end)
for %end in end-positions
collect (parse string :start %start :end %end) into alternatives
finally (return (and alternatives
(values (make-alternation :alternatives alternatives) (1+ %end))))))
(defun parse (string &key (start 0) (end (length string)))
(loop with result and escapep
for index = start then next
while (< index end)
for c = (char string index)
for next = (1+ index)
do (cond (escapep
(push c result)
(setf escapep nil))
((char= c #\\)
(push c result)
(setf escapep t))
((and (char= c #\{))
(multiple-value-bind (alternation next-index)
(parse-alternation string index)
(cond (alternation
(push alternation result)
(setf next next-index))
(push c result)))))
(push c result)))
finally (return (nreverse result))))
(defun traverse-alternation (alternation)
(mapcan #'traverse (alternation-alternatives alternation)))
(defun traverse (parsed)
(let ((results (list nil)))
(dolist (element parsed results)
(etypecase element
(setf results (loop for r in results
collect (nconc r (list element)))))
(setf results (loop for r in results
nconc (loop for ar in (traverse-alternation element)
collect (append r ar)))))))))
(defun expand (string)
(loop for result in (traverse (parse string))
collect (coerce result 'string)))
(defun main ()
(dolist (input '("~/{Downloads,Pictures}/*.{jpg,gif,png}"
"It{{em,alic}iz,erat}e{d,}, please."
"{,{,gotta have{ ,\\, again\\, }}more }cowbell!"
"{}} some }{,{\\\\{ edge, edge} \\,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\\\\\\}"))
(write-line input)
(dolist (output (expand input))
(format t " ~A~%" output))
It{{em,alic}iz,erat}e{d,}, please.
Itemized, please.
Itemize, please.
Italicized, please.
Italicize, please.
Iterated, please.
Iterate, please.
{,{,gotta have{ ,\, again\, }}more }cowbell!
more cowbell!
gotta have more cowbell!
gotta have\, again\, more cowbell!
{}} some }{,{\\{ edge, edge} \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}
{}} some }{,{\\ edge \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}
{}} some }{,{\\ edge \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}


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