RC POP.OUT: Difference between revisions

→‎output: updated the ranking of the languages. -- ~~~~
m (→‎output: updated the ranking of the languages. -- ~~~~)
m (→‎output: updated the ranking of the languages. -- ~~~~)
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<pre style="overflow:scroll">
════════════════════════timestamp: 1318 Nov 2013 43:17am═════════════════════════25am═════════════════════════
557558 records read from file: RC_POP.LAN
35833591 records read from file: RC_POP.CAT
500501 (total) number of languages detected.
rank: 1 (760 entries) Tcl
Line 22:
rank: 9 (621 entries) Ruby
rank: 10 (610 entries) Go
rank: 11 (584585 entries) Perl
rank: 12 (574 entries) Ada
rank: 13 (566 entries) Mathematica
rank: 14 (557 entries) Haskell
rank: 15 (550553 entries) REXX
rank: 16 (524523 entries) Java
rank: 17 (521 entries) BBC BASIC
rank: 18 (512 entries) Unicon
Line 37:
rank: 24 (437 entries) C Sharp
rank: 25 (430 entries) AutoHotkey
rank: 26 (415418 entries) Erlang
rank: 27 (393403 entries) Scala
rank: 28 (384 entries) JavaScript
rank: 29 (370371 entries) Clojure
rank: 30 (360 entries) PARI/GP
rank: 31 (337 entries) R
rank: 32 (335 entries) Lua
rank: 33 (331330 entries) Seed7
rank: 34 (329 entries) F Sharp
rank: 35 (tied) (328 entries) PHP
rank: 35 (tied) (328 entries) ALGOL 68
rank: 35 (tied) (328 entries) PHP
rank: 37 (327 entries) Forth
rank: 38 (321325 entries) FortranPL/I
rank: 39 (318321 entries) PL/IFortran
rank: 40 (313 entries) Groovy
rank: 41 (312 entries) Pascal
Line 57:
rank: 44 (293 entries) Liberty BASIC
rank: 45 (286 entries) Octave
rank: 46 (284285 entries) AWK
rank: 47 (278 entries) Oz
rank: 48 (275 entries) Factor
rank: 49 (272 entries) E
rank: 50 (268 entries) NetRexx
rank: 51 (266267 entries) Run BASIC
rank: 52 (257 entries) Scheme
rank: 53 (227232 entries) DelphiLasso
rank: 54 (218227 entries) SmalltalkDelphi
rank: 55 (216218 entries) EuphoriaSmalltalk
rank: 56 (210216 entries) BASICEuphoria
rank: 57 (209210 entries) UNIX ShellBASIC
rank: 58 (tied) (207209 entries) ObjeckUNIX Shell
rank: 5859 (tied) (207 entries) LassoObjeck
rank: 60 (202204 entries) MaximaProlog
rank: 61 (201202 entries) PrologMaxima
rank: 62 (196 entries) Ursala
rank: 63 (187 entries) Logo
Line 78:
rank: 65 (184 entries) CoffeeScript
rank: 66 (179 entries) Bracmat
rank: 67 (tied) (156160 entries) HicEstJulia
rank: 6768 (tied) (156 entries) GAP
rank: 6968 (tied) (154156 entries) JuliaHicEst
rank: 6970 (tied) (154 entries) COBOL
rank: 71 (153 entries) Fantom
rank: 72 (149 entries) Nemerle
Line 99:
rank: 86 (102 entries) MUMPS
rank: 87 (100 entries) DWScript
rank: 88 (tied) (99 entries) K
rank: 88 (tied) (99 entries) ACL2
rank: 88 (tied) (99 entries) K
rank: 90 (98 entries) SNOBOL4
rank: 91 (95 entries) Pop11
Line 107:
rank: 94 (89 entries) MAPLE
rank: 95 (87 entries) MAXScript
rank: 96 (7880 entries) ZXBatch Spectrum BasicFile
rank: 97 (tied) (7778 entries) RavenAutoIT
rank: 9897 (tied) (7678 entries) M4ZX Spectrum Basic
rank: 9899 (tied) (7677 entries) Batch FileRaven
rank: 100 (7476 entries) TXRM4
rank: 101 (7175 entries) NewLISPNimrod
rank: 102 (tied) (7074 entries) NimrodTXR
rank: 102103 (tied) (7071 entries) AutoITNewLISP
rank: 104 (69 entries) Sather
rank: 105 (68 entries) Logtalk
rank: 106 (tied) (65 entries) VBScript
rank: 106 (tied) (65 entries) OxygenBasic
rank: 106 (tied) (65 entries) VBScript
rank: 108 (64 entries) LabVIEW
rank: 109 (tied) (63 entries) Brat
rank: 109 (tied) (63 entries) IDL
rank: 111 (tied) (62 entries) TI-83 BASIC
rank: 112 111 (tied) (6162 entries) AppleScriptMercury
rank: 113 (tied) (6061 entries) Component PascalAppleScript
rank: 113114 (tied) (60 entries) Io
rank: 113114 (tied) (60 entries) MercuryComponent Pascal
rank: 116 (tied) (59 entries) Wart
rank: 117 116 (tied) (5859 entries) Applesoft BASIC
rank: 118 (56 entries) MK-61/52
rank: 119 (55 entries) Locomotive Basic
rank: 120 (tied) (54 entries) Emacs Lisp
rank: 120 (tied) (54 entries) Ela
rank: 122 (tied) (53 entries) Burlesque
rank: 122 (tied) (53 entries) FBSL
rank: 122 (tied) (53 entries) Burlesque
rank: 124 (52 entries) Modula-2
rank: 125 (51 entries) Eiffel
rank: 126 (tied) (50 entries) APL
rank: 126 (tied) (50 entries) FALSE
rank: 128 (tied) (49 entries) Metafont
rank: 128 (tied) (49 entries) Rascal
rank: 128 (tied) (49 entries) Metafont
rank: 128 (tied) (49 entries) Lang5
rank: 131 (tied) (48 entries) OpenEdge/Progress
rank: 131 (tied) (48 entries) Vala
rank: 131 (tied) (48 entries) OpenEdge/Progress
rank: 133 (47 entries) Toka
rank: 134 (tied) (4546 entries) Inform 7Befunge
rank: 134135 (tied) (45 entries) BefungeInform 7
rank: 136 (tied) (44 entries) Joy
rank: 136 (tied) (44 entries) BC
rank: 138 (43 entries) Frink
rank: 139 (tied) (42 entries) X86 Assembly
rank: 139 (tied) (42 entries) Visual Basic
rank: 141139 (tied) (4142 entries) YorickX86 Assembly
rank: 141 (tied) (41 entries) PowerBASIC
rank: 141 (tied) (41 entries) Dc
rank: 141 (tied) (41 entries) Aikido
rank: 139141 (tied) (4241 entries) X86 AssemblyYorick
rank: 141 (tied) (41 entries) PowerBASIC
rank: 145 (40 entries) V
rank: 146 (tied) (39 entries) Dart
rank: 146 (tied) (39 entries) BASIC256
rank: 146 (tied) (39 entries) ColdFusionEuler Math Toolbox
rank: 146 (tied) (39 entries) Dart
rank: 152146 (tied) (3839 entries) SASVBA
rank: 146 (tied) (39 entries) Oberon-2
rank: 146 (tied) (39 entries) UnixPipes
rank: 146 (tied) (39 entries) VBAColdFusion
rank: 152153 (tied) (38 entries) Euler Math ToolboxSAS
rank: 152153 (tied) (38 entries) Lisaac
rank: 152 (tied) (38 entries) SAS
rank: 155 (37 entries) TorqueScript
rank: 156 (36 entries) LFE
rank: 157 (tied) (34 entries) Déjá Vu
rank: 157 (tied) (34 entries) RLaB
rank: 159 (tied) (3233 entries) AmigaERust
rank: 159160 (tied) (32 entries) C Shell
rank: 159160 (tied) (32 entries) EGLAmigaE
rank: 162160 (tied) (3132 entries) ElenaEGL
rank: 162163 (tied) (31 entries) XSLTElena
rank: 162163 (tied) (31 entries) GUISS
rank: 165163 (tied) (3031 entries) SedXSLT
rank: 165166 (tied) (30 entries) QiChapel
rank: 165166 (tied) (30 entries) ChapelQi
rank: 168 166 (tied) (2930 entries) MIRC Scripting LanguageSed
rank: 169 (tied) (2829 entries) GMLMIRC Scripting Language
rank: 169170 (tied) (28 entries) RustABAP
rank: 169170 (tied) (28 entries) ABAPOrder
rank: 169170 (tied) (28 entries) Caché ObjectScriptGML
rank: 169170 (tied) (28 entries) CMake
rank: 169170 (tied) (28 entries) OrderCaché ObjectScript
rank: 175 (tied) (27 entries) REALbasic
rank: 175 (tied) (27 entries) SQL
rank: 175 (tied) (27 entries) Nial
rank: 175 (tied) (27 entries) Brainf***
rank: 175 (tied) (27 entries) Clean
rank: 175 (tied) (27 entries) SQL
rank: 180 (26 entries) Salmon
rank: 181 (tied) (25 entries) PL/SQLWortel
rank: 182181 (tied) (2425 entries) MirahPL/SQL
rank: 182183 (tied) (24 entries) TrithMirah
rank: 184183 (tied) (2324 entries) LOLCODETrith
rank: 184185 (tied) (23 entries) SNUSPHarbour
rank: 184185 (tied) (23 entries) IokeSNUSP
rank: 184185 (tied) (23 entries) ML/IIoke
rank: 184185 (tied) (23 entries) 6502 AssemblyML/I
rank: 184185 (tied) (23 entries) Protium6502 Assembly
rank: 190185 (tied) (2223 entries) ProDOSLOLCODE
rank: 190185 (tied) (2223 entries) GolfscriptProtium
rank: 190192 (tied) (22 entries) HaXeECL
rank: 190192 (tied) (22 entries) FalconGW-BASIC
rank: 190192 (tied) (22 entries) ECLClipper
rank: 190192 (tied) (22 entries) GW-BASICFalcon
rank: 190192 (tied) (22 entries) SuneidoGolfscript
rank: 190192 (tied) (22 entries) Gnuplot
rank: 198192 (tied) (2122 entries) PHLSuneido
rank: 198192 (tied) (2122 entries) ArgileHaXe
rank: 200 192 (tied) (1922 entries) RapidQProDOS
rank: 201 (tied) (1821 entries) BabelArgile
rank: 201 (tied) (1821 entries) FancyPHL
rank: 201203 (tied) (1819 entries) PureRapidQ
rank: 201204 (tied) (18 entries) ChefBabel
rank: 205204 (tied) (1718 entries) ClipperPure
rank: 205204 (tied) (1718 entries) MMIXFancy
rank: 205204 (tied) (1718 entries) EfeneChef
rank: 205208 (tied) (17 entries) MOOEfene
rank: 209208 (tied) (1617 entries) GambasMOO
rank: 209208 (tied) (1617 entries) SETLMMIX
rank: 209211 (tied) (16 entries) HarbourSETL
rank: 209211 (tied) (16 entries) DylanGambas
rank: 209211 (tied) (16 entries) LSL
rank: 214211 (tied) (1516 entries) LSE64Dylan
rank: 214215 (tied) (15 entries) Lucid
rank: 216215 (tied) (1415 entries) Friendly interactive shellLSE64
rank: 216217 (tied) (14 entries) OpenscadFish
rank: 216217 (tied) (14 entries) Inform 6Openscad
rank: 216217 (tied) (14 entries) ExcelAssembly
rank: 216217 (tied) (14 entries) FishFriendly interactive shell
rank: 216217 (tied) (14 entries) DaoInform 6
rank: 216217 (tied) (14 entries) AssemblyDao
rank: 223217 (tied) (1314 entries) ATSExcel
rank: 223224 (tied) (13 entries) MakeATS
rank: 223224 (tied) (13 entries) 0815Whitespace
rank: 223224 (tied) (13 entries) WhitespaceMake
rank: 223224 (tied) (13 entries) KonsolScriptGema
rank: 223224 (tied) (13 entries) GemaKonsolScript
rank: 229224 (tied) (1213 entries) Vorpal0815
rank: 229230 (tied) (12 entries) GosuUnlambda
rank: 229230 (tied) (12 entries) Es
rank: 229230 (tied) (12 entries) PlainTeXGosu
rank: 229230 (tied) (12 entries) BrlcadPlainTeX
rank: 229230 (tied) (12 entries) UnlambdaBrlcad
rank: 229230 (tied) (12 entries) AxiomVorpal
rank: 229230 (tied) (12 entries) Clay
rank: 229230 (tied) (12 entries) SystemVerilogAxiom
rank: 238230 (tied) (1112 entries) SPARKSystemVerilog
rank: 238239 (tied) (11 entries) VHDLBCPL
rank: 238239 (tied) (11 entries) TSE SALVHDL
rank: 238239 (tied) (11 entries) ShinyTSE SAL
rank: 238239 (tied) (11 entries) LaTeXShiny
rank: 238239 (tied) (11 entries) GechoSPARK
rank: 238239 (tied) (11 entries) CLIPSGecho
rank: 238239 (tied) (11 entries) BCPLCLIPS
rank: 238239 (tied) (11 entries) ScratchLaTeX
rank: 238239 (tied) (11 entries) GenyrisScratch
rank: 248239 (tied) (1011 entries) MathprogGenyris
rank: 248249 (tied) (10 entries) ElisaMathprog
rank: 248249 (tied) (10 entries) Object PascalAsymptote
rank: 248249 (tied) (10 entries) WraplObject Pascal
rank: 248249 (tied) (10 entries) XQueryNiue
rank: 248249 (tied) (10 entries) NiueElisa
rank: 248249 (tied) (10 entries) AsymptoteXQuery
rank: 255249 (tied) (910 entries) AloreWrapl
rank: 255256 (tied) (9 entries) NSISAlore
rank: 255256 (tied) (9 entries) Eero4DOS Batch
rank: 255256 (tied) (9 entries) LiveCodeEero
rank: 255256 (tied) (9 entries) SIMPOLNSIS
rank: 255256 (tied) (9 entries) 4DOS BatchLiveCode
rank: 255256 (tied) (9 entries) Integer BASICF
rank: 255256 (tied) (9 entries) ElixirLotusScript
rank: 255256 (tied) (9 entries) LotusScriptSIMPOL
rank: 255256 (tied) (9 entries) FInteger BASIC
rank: 265256 (tied) (89 entries) MBSElixir
rank: 265266 (tied) (8 entries) PietLhogho
rank: 265266 (tied) (8 entries) LhoghoMBS
rank: 265266 (tied) (8 entries) PIR
rank: 265266 (tied) (8 entries) LLVMAgda
rank: 265266 (tied) (8 entries) FanPiet
rank: 265266 (tied) (8 entries) AgdaLLVM
rank: 265266 (tied) (8 entries) EC4D
rank: 265266 (tied) (8 entries) POV-RayEC
rank: 265266 (tied) (8 entries) 4DDylan.NET
rank: 265266 (tied) (8 entries) TIScriptPOV-Ray
rank: 265266 (tied) (8 entries) Dylan.NETFan
rank: 277266 (tied) (78 entries) SuperColliderTIScript
rank: 277278 (tied) (7 entries) AmbientTalk
rank: 277278 (tied) (7 entries) 6800 AssemblyMySQL
rank: 277278 (tied) (7 entries) Rhope6800 Assembly
rank: 277278 (tied) (7 entries) CobraCrack
rank: 277278 (tied) (7 entries) BooCobra
rank: 277278 (tied) (7 entries) KiteBoo
rank: 277278 (tied) (7 entries) 8086 AssemblyKite
rank: 277278 (tied) (7 entries) MySQLSuperCollider
rank: 277278 (tied) (7 entries) PurityMIPS Assembly
rank: 277278 (tied) (7 entries) CrackPurity
rank: 277278 (tied) (7 entries) BlastQ
rank: 277278 (tied) (7 entries) CurryRhope
rank: 277278 (tied) (7 entries) MIPS AssemblyCurry
rank: 277278 (tied) (7 entries) QBlast
rank: 277278 (tied) (7 entries) Arbre8086 Assembly
rank: 293278 (tied) (67 entries) BlitzMaxArbre
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) CatBlitzMax
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) Commodore BASICDeluge
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) CoqCat
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) HQ9+Coq
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) ProcessingC++/CLI
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) ANTLRHQ9+
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) Transact-SQLANTLR
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) DelugeFexl
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) FregeRPG
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) Z80 AssemblyTransact-SQL
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) INTERCALCommodore BASIC
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) C++/CLIINTERCAL
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) SquirrelProcessing
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) FexlµC++
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) RPGLisp
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) C1R
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) AgenaFrege
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) Dodo0Agena
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) JavaFX ScriptDodo0
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) PASMJavaFX Script
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) µC++PASM
rank: 293294 (tied) (6 entries) LispSquirrel
rank: 316294 (tied) (56 entries) XSLTZ80 2.0Assembly
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) XTalkScript Basic
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular AutomataBrace
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) SisalXTalk
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) ELLASisal
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) BraceELLA
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) ScriptARM BasicAssembly
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) TPPQuill
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) OxygeneXSLT 2.0
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) WheneverTPP
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) QuillOccam
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) 360 AssemblyWhenever
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) ARM AssemblyZPL
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) HopeJAMES II/Rule-based Cellular Automata
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) ALGOL 60Hope
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) ZPLS-lang
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) OccamXProc
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) PSQLOxygene
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) JCLPSQL
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) Ferite360 Assembly
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) DMSFerite
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) XProcDMS
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) PDP-11ALGOL Assembly60
rank: 316317 (tied) (5 entries) SPDP-lang11 Assembly
rank: 340317 (tied) (45 entries) FortressJCL
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) GleeFortress
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) ElastiCAlgae
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) HyperTalkElastiC
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) LilypondHyperTalk
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) BoriLilypond
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) Clipper/XBase++Bori
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) AlgaeFP
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) LimboGo!
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) MUFGlee
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) SageLimbo
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) TwelfVerilog
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) 80386 AssemblyTwelf
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) OPL80386 Assembly
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) Go!Clipper/XBase++
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) SMEQLThyrd
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) Visual ObjectsSMEQL
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) VerilogVisual Objects
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) BifernoMUF
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) HeronBiferno
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) MythrylHeron
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) ThyrdMythryl
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) Agda2ALGOL W
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) FPOPL
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) JScript.NET
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) IptscraeRTL/2
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) JudoScriptIptscrae
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) ESQLJudoScript
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) GDL
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) SelfJoCaml
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) OmegaSelf
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) RTL/2Omega
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) OnyxAgda2
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) JoCamlSage
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) HLAStreamIt
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) TecoHLA
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) MPIF90ESQL
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) ALGOL WOnyx
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) StreamItInformix 4GL
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) RPL/2
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) MetapostMPIF90
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) Informix 4GLMetapost
rank: 340341 (tied) (4 entries) ANTTeco
rank: 383341 (tied) (34 entries) GenteeANT
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) RefalGentee
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) VB6SPARC Assembly
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) SimulaVB6
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) SPARC AssemblyRefal
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) CamlAspectC++
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) Superbase BASICCaml
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) MirellePure Data
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) AspectC++Mirelle
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) PLZ/SYSFAUST
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) C0HSuperbase BASIC
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) VRMLYacas
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) CecilSimula
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) YacasCecil
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) NiceDiesel
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) FAUSTNice
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) PL/MMGS
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) KeyList DatabasingEuler
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) Pure DataPLZ/SYS
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) K3dXSLT 1.0
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) QuakeCK3d
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) SheerPower 4GLQuakeC
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) DieselSheerPower 4GL
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) MGSTAL
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) FeatureC++ASP
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) ZonnonKeyList Databasing
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) XBase
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) PPC AssemblyVRML
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) PotionPPC Assembly
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) JabacoPotion
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) ASPJabaco
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) ASP.NetZonnon
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) OpenCFeatureC++
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) MS SQLOpenC++
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) UserRPLPL/M
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) Alice MLUserRPL
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) Cilk++Alice ML
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) FPICilk++
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) AspectJFPI
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) NetLogoASP.Net
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) EulerNetLogo
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) ALGOLGri
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) GooC0H
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) ZEDGoo
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) TuringZED
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) L.in.oleumTuring
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) FreeMatAspectJ
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) TALFreeMat
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) Elan8080 Assembly
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) M680x0Elan
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) ThistleM680x0
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) LushThistle
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) ScilabLush
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) Pentium AssemblyL.in.oleum
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) RLSLPentium Assembly
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) GriRLSL
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) BetaCB80
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) CilkBeta
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) PPLALGOL
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) N/t/roffPPL
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) NQPN/t/roff
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) PLUSNQP
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) 8080 AssemblyPLUS
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) Mython8 1/2
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) WMLMython
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) BMS SQL
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) DatalogB
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) XSLT 1.0Datalog
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) Lotus 123 Macro ScriptingScilab
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) SnobolLotus 123 Macro Scripting
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) CB80Snobol
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) .QLFelix
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) Lout.QL
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) TeLaCilk
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) MaudeApplication Master
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) ME10 macroMaude
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) ApplicationME10 Mastermacro
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) 8 1/2WML
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) FelixScript3D
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) UScript
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) RTSLAxum
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) KayaRTSL
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) AxumKaya
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) MSSQLAMPL
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) Script3DLout
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) AMPLA+
rank: 383384 (tied) (3 entries) A+MSSQL
rank: 470384 (tied) (23 entries) OOCalcTeLa
rank: 470471 (tied) (2 entries) GLBasicOOCalc
rank: 470471 (tied) (2 entries) XLGLSL
rank: 470471 (tied) (2 entries) Perl5iXL
rank: 470471 (tied) (2 entries) GLSLGLBasic
rank: 470471 (tied) (2 entries) XUL
rank: 470471 (tied) (2 entries) OOCPerl5i
rank: 470471 (tied) (2 entries) CduceOOC
rank: 478471 (tied) (12 entryentries) XanaduCduce
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) NeatSupernova
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) VoxNeat
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) NewtonScriptVox
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) SupernovaNewtonScript
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) PL/pgSQLXanadu
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) UBASICPL/pgSQL
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) NickleUBASIC
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) NekoNickle
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) MELNeko
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) LiveScriptMEL
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) Jacquard LoomLiveScript
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) QoreJacquard Loom
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) CafeOBJQore
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) SoarCafeOBJ
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) OpaSoar
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) MoonScriptOpa
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) Visual PrologMoonScript
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) TestMLVisual Prolog
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) ScriptBasicTestML
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) KotlinScriptBasic
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) MAPPERKotlin
rank: 478479 (tied) (1 entry) Vim ScriptMAPPER
rank: 479 (tied) (1 entry) Vim Script
☼ end-of-list. ☼