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Montgomery reduction: Difference between revisions

small fixes
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m (small fixes)
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* Montgomery reduction calculates T*(R^-1) mod m, without having to divide by m
* R is usually chosen as b^n, where b = base (radix) in which the numbers in the calculation as represented in [b = 10 in our normal paper arithmetics, b = 2 for computer implementations] and n = number of bits in modulus m
* the numbers m(n digits long), T (2n digits long), R, b, n are known entities, a number m' (represented m_dash in code) = -m^<sup>-1</sup> mod b is precomputed
Wikipedia link for Montgomery Reduction
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A <- T (temporary variable)
For i from 0 to (n-1) do the following:
u<sub>i</sub> <- a<sub>i</sub>* m' mod b // a<sub>i</sub> is the ith digit of A, u<sub>i</sub> is a single digit number in radix b
A <- A + u<sub>i</sub>*m*b^<sup>i</sup>
A ,- A/b^<sup>n</sup>
if A >= m, A <- A - m
Return (A)
Line 105:
cout<<"Montgomery domain representation = "<<e;
return 0;
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