Talk:Order two numerical lists: Difference between revisions

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:: If so, it's bunk: sort stability depends more on the sort method than the comparator.--[[User:Ledrug|Ledrug]] 04:33, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
:: If so, it's bunk: sort stability depends more on the sort method than the comparator.--[[User:Ledrug|Ledrug]] 04:33, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
::: true, but if both elements are the same then it makes a difference if true or false is returned. how do you account for that difference? i think there are two aspects to stable, one is: when you rerun the sort it will always produce the same result. this stability depends on the algorithm. the other is, that if two elements are equal, their order will not be changed. that stability depends on the comparator. and according to [[wp:Sorting_algorithm#Stability|wikipedia]]: ''Stable sorting algorithms maintain the relative order of records with equal keys.'' the equality of keys is determined by the comparator.--[[User:EMBee|eMBee]] 05:50, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
::: true, but if both elements are the same then it makes a difference if true or false is returned. how do you account for that difference? i think there are two aspects to stable, one is: when you rerun the sort it will always produce the same result. this stability depends on the algorithm. the other is, that if two elements are equal, their order will not be changed. that stability depends on the comparator. and according to [[wp:Sorting_algorithm#Stability|wikipedia]]: ''Stable sorting algorithms maintain the relative order of records with equal keys.'' the equality of keys is determined by the comparator.--[[User:EMBee|eMBee]] 05:50, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
:::: Still bunk. Regardless if elements are the same or not, sort stability also depends on how the comparator is called. <code>if (a[i] < a[j]) swap(a[i], a[j])</code> and <code>unless (a[i] > a[j]) swap(a[i], a[j])</code> are unlikely to be both stable in bubble sort. The comparison routine has '''no''' information regarding "the relative order of records", only the sort routine does, so terming a comparator "stable sort" is senseless. --[[User:Ledrug|Ledrug]] 07:20, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
:: Another thing, it might be better to omit some detailed requirement about the cmp result. To be practical, the cmp routine should be able to decide on the ording. For example, it's likely more useful for a comparison function to be tri-state instead of true/false;--[[User:Ledrug|Ledrug]] 04:33, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
:: Another thing, it might be better to omit some detailed requirement about the cmp result. To be practical, the cmp routine should be able to decide on the ording. For example, it's likely more useful for a comparison function to be tri-state instead of true/false;--[[User:Ledrug|Ledrug]] 04:33, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
::: tri-state does not work as input to a sort function unless the sort function is written for that. most sort function i i'd expect to want a boolean comparator.--[[User:EMBee|eMBee]] 05:50, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
::: tri-state does not work as input to a sort function unless the sort function is written for that. most sort function i i'd expect to want a boolean comparator.--[[User:EMBee|eMBee]] 05:50, 30 November 2011 (UTC)

Revision as of 07:20, 30 November 2011

The task description should clarify what should happen for two equal lists.

Right now the description seems inconsistent. It says "return true if the first list should be ordered before the second", but should a list be ordered before itself? It seems that it should not.

if both lists are the same then, they still have to go in some order. so there is no inconsistency. you can not not order them. which order they go then depends on the comparison though, and that affects whether the sort is stable or not. as it is defined the task does not expect the solution to produce a stable sort. such a requirement could be added, but then the existing solutions need to be reviewed. since both stable and unstable sort have legitimate uses i don't want to make unstable sort wrong. it could be added as extra credit though--eMBee 02:30, 30 November 2011 (UTC)

But reading the algorithm description: "... and so on, until one of the list has no more elements. If the first list runs out of elements the result is true." It seems that it should return true for two equal lists, since both lists would run out of elements at the same time.

if the first list is tested first, and the second list is not tested, the effect is that if both are equal, the result will be true.--eMBee 02:30, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
"ordered before" is the familar concept of "less than." For programming anyway, less than always means strictly less than and never less than or maybe equal to. A fix would be to change "If the first list runs out of elements the result is true. false otherwise" to "If the first list runs out of elements while there are still elements left in the second the result is true. false otherwise." Then you have strictly less than semantics...which could be used to write a stable sort algorithm. —Sonia 04:09, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
I would be in favor of clarifying the required behavior when lists are equal, removing all talk of sorting from the task description, and requiring output from three test cases: one where the first list should be ordered before, one where the lists are equal, and one where the second list should be ordered before. —Sonia 04:29, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
Have a look at the test cases below. You may find you need more that 3 cases. --Dgamey 04:49, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
Those are good. You could throw in empty lists as well. —Sonia 05:13, 30 November 2011 (UTC)

Whatever is decided, some of the solutions will be incorrect and will need to be changed. --Spoon! 23:55, 29 November 2011 (UTC)

This probably should be marked draft until decided. So I changed it. --Dgamey 03:21, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
yes, thank you!--eMBee 05:57, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
Adding in extra conditions like stable sort when the task is NOT marked draft is rather bad form --Dgamey 03:21, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
that is why i marked it extra credit, so that existing solutions would not be wrong.--eMBee 05:57, 30 November 2011 (UTC)

Test Cases

I found the description a bit confusing at first. I used the following test cases where demo_list_llt was a wrapper to support my interpretation. This is based on ordering being to choose which of two lists comes first (not sorting). --Dgamey 03:24, 30 November 2011 (UTC)

   demo_list_llt([-1],[0])                         # << ok
   demo_list_llt([0],[0])                          # == fail 
   demo_list_llt([0],[-1])                         # >> fail
   demo_list_llt([0],[0,-1])                       # << ok   
   demo_list_llt([0],[0,0])                        # << ok     
   demo_list_llt([0],[0,1])                        # << ok 
   demo_list_llt([0,-1],[0])                       # >> fail 
   demo_list_llt([0,0],[0])                        # >> fail
   demo_list_llt([0,0],[1])                        # << ok

With the following output:

[ 1 2 1 3 2 ] << [ 1 2 0 4 4 0 0 0 ] - FAILS

[ -1 ] << [ 0 ]
[ 0 ] << [ 0 ] - FAILS
[ 0 ] << [ -1 ] - FAILS

[ 0 ] << [ 0 -1 ]
[ 0 ] << [ 0 0 ]
[ 0 ] << [ 0 1 ]
[ 0 -1 ] << [ 0 ] - FAILS
[ 0 0 ] << [ 0 ] - FAILS
[ 0 0 ] << [ 1 ]

The wrapper and support routine in Icon was

procedure demo_list_llt(L1,L2)
   write(list2string(L1)," << ",list2string(L2),if list_llt(L1,L2) then "" else " - FAILS")

procedure list2string(L1)
every (s := "[") ||:= " " || (!L1|"]")
return s

Stable Sort??

Where did this requirement come from? There was nothing about sorting only comparison. Neither list is touched. There is no merge or no sort. Did I miss something? --Dgamey 03:24, 30 November 2011 (UTC)

Rereading this the description as it stands could mean either sort or determine with list is less. If it's a sort, should not the task name be Sort two numerical lists? --Dgamey 03:46, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
a comparison function is generally used as an operator for a sort function. the result of the comparison function determines how the sort comes out.--eMBee 05:50, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
Since the task doesn't seem to have anything to do with sorting, I removed the mention of stable sort for now. I guess the intention was that if the cmp function is used for a comparison based sorting, it should produce a stable sort result.--Ledrug 04:33, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
yes. --eMBee 05:50, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
If so, it's bunk: sort stability depends more on the sort method than the comparator.--Ledrug 04:33, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
true, but if both elements are the same then it makes a difference if true or false is returned. how do you account for that difference? i think there are two aspects to stable, one is: when you rerun the sort it will always produce the same result. this stability depends on the algorithm. the other is, that if two elements are equal, their order will not be changed. that stability depends on the comparator. and according to wikipedia: Stable sorting algorithms maintain the relative order of records with equal keys. the equality of keys is determined by the comparator.--eMBee 05:50, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
Still bunk. Regardless if elements are the same or not, sort stability also depends on how the comparator is called. if (a[i] < a[j]) swap(a[i], a[j]) and unless (a[i] > a[j]) swap(a[i], a[j]) are unlikely to be both stable in bubble sort. The comparison routine has no information regarding "the relative order of records", only the sort routine does, so terming a comparator "stable sort" is senseless. --Ledrug 07:20, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
Another thing, it might be better to omit some detailed requirement about the cmp result. To be practical, the cmp routine should be able to decide on the ording. For example, it's likely more useful for a comparison function to be tri-state instead of true/false;--Ledrug 04:33, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
tri-state does not work as input to a sort function unless the sort function is written for that. most sort function i i'd expect to want a boolean comparator.--eMBee 05:50, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
it's not necessarily desirable to sort shorter lists before longer ones (one may prefer padding by zero, i.e. (1, 2, -1) < (1, 2) < (1, 2, 1), rather than padding by -inf, i.e. (1, 2) < (1, 2, -1) < (1, 2, 1)). --Ledrug 04:33, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
(misread that before) interesting point. i didn't consider negative values. how would you write that into the task? --eMBee 05:54, 30 November 2011 (UTC)

Lexicographic order

Isn't lexicographic order the one where the integer 100 comes before the integer 11? That is, I thought that it was a character set based comparison rather than a numeric comparison. Stormneedle 04:26, 30 November 2011 (UTC)

No. "Lexicographic" only refers to the list as whole, not when comparing its individual elements. The elements are compared by whatever is natural, which probably means numerical comparison function (100 > 11, 11 > 2). --Ledrug 04:33, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
Well that wasn't clear. So doesn't that imply no padding? --Dgamey 04:47, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
Lexicographic comparison of two lists meaning comparing corresponding elements from either list, probably from left to right, and the ordering of the first unequal pair decides the ordering of the two lists. The elements need to be comparable and have good ordering. Say the lists are strings "ax" and "ay", the most natural ordering is "ax" < "ay". When comparing "ax" and "aY", depends on what comparison function you use for letters, it could be "ax" < "aY" if using case insensitive cmp, or "ax" > "aY" if comparing ASCII code case sensitively. Comparison function of strings is lexicographic, that of the letters is not: it can be whatever that has a good ordering. Replace "letters" with "numbers", "comparing letters" with "comparing numbers", and you lexicographically compare list of numerical values.
When two lists are of different lengths, "comparing corresponding elements" needs clarification when one list runs out. One way is, conceptually, you can pad the shorter list with some default value so they are equal length again. For strings, this default value may be considered as code point 0, so comparing "ab" to "abcde" can be considered as the same between "ab\0\0\0" and "abcde". It's convenient and practical most of the time, but if you were to pad strings with odd stuff like "W", you could still have well ordered comparisons, it's just not going to be terribly intuitive (imagine a diction where "abT" < "ab" = "abW" < "abX"). --Ledrug 05:48, 30 November 2011 (UTC)