Order two numerical lists: Difference between revisions

m (speaking of lexicographical order, "J" follows "H" and "I")
(→‎{{header|Groovy}}: new solution)
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<lang groovy>class CList extends ArrayList implements Comparable {
CList() { }
CList(Collection c) { super(c) }
int compareTo(Object that) {
assert that instanceof List
def n = [this.size(), that.size()].min()
def comp = [this[0..<n], that[0..<n]].transpose().find { it[0] != it[1] }
comp ? comp[0] <=> comp[1] : this.size() <=> that.size()
<lang groovy>CList a, b; (a, b) = [[], []]; assert ! (a < b)
b = [1] as CList; assert (a < b)
a = [1] as CList; assert ! (a < b)
b = [2] as CList; assert (a < b)
a = [2, -1, 0] as CList; assert ! (a < b)
b = [2, -1] as CList; assert ! (a < b)
b = [2, -1, 0] as CList; assert ! (a < b)
b = [2, -1, 0, -17] as CList; assert (a < b)
a = [2, 8, 0] as CList; assert ! (a < b)</lang>
The built-in comparison operators already do this:
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