Letter frequency: Difference between revisions

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[io:fwrite( "~p : ~p~n", [[X], dict:fetch(X, Dict)]) || X <- dict:fetch_keys(Dict)].
[io:fwrite( "~p : ~p~n", [[X], dict:fetch(X, Dict)]) || X <- dict:fetch_keys(Dict)].

{{works with|OpenEuphoria}}
<lang euphoria>
-- LetterFrequency.ex
-- Count frequency of each letter in own source code.

include std/console.e
include std/io.e
include std/text.e

sequence letters = repeat(0,26)

sequence content = read_file("LetterFrequency.ex")

content = lower(content)

for i = 1 to length(content) do
if content[i] > 96 and content[i] < 123 then
letters[content[i]-96] += 1
end if
end for

for i = 1 to 26 do
printf(1,"%s: %d\n",{i+96,letters[i]})
end for

if getc(0) then end if
a: 4
b: 0
c: 21
x: 3
y: 3
z: 0
