Send an unknown method call: Difference between revisions

(added Caché ObjectScript)
Line 23:
<lang Bracmat>(task=
( oracle
= (predicate="is made of green cheese")
(generateTruth=.str$(!arg " " !(its.predicate) "."))
(generateLie=.str$(!arg " " !(its.predicate) "!"))
& new$oracle:?SourceOfKnowledge
& put
$ "You may ask the Source of Eternal Wisdom ONE thing.
Enter \"Truth\" or \"Lie\" on the next line and press the <Enter> key.
& whl
' ( get':?trueorlie:~Truth:~Lie
& put$"Try again\n"
& put$(str$("You want a " !trueorlie ". About what?" \n))
& get'(,STR):?something
& (SourceOfKnowledge..str$(generate !trueorlie))$!something
<pre>{?} !task
You may ask the Source of Eternal Wisdom ONE thing.
Enter "Truth" or "Lie" on the next line and press the <Enter> key.
You want a Lie. About what?
The sea
{!} The sea is made of green cheese!</pre>
=={{header|Caché ObjectScript}}==
