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Rock-paper-scissors: Difference between revisions

Moved uBasic/4tH version
(→‎{{header|Go}}: additional weapons)
(Moved uBasic/4tH version)
Line 633:
You chose: 60 0 1
I chose: 2 55 4
{{works with|uBasic/4tH}}
This works with a tiny, integer BASIC interpreter. The expression:
Is equivalent to:
This implementation uses a 6-bits binary scheme, where the lower three bits represent the choice of the user and the higher three bits the choice of the computer:
<lang ubasic> 20 LET P=0: LET Q=0: LET Z=0
30 INPUT "Rock, paper, or scissors (1 = rock, 2 = paper, 3 = scissors)? ", A
40 IF A>3 THEN GOTO 400
50 IF A=3 THEN LET A=4
60 IF A<1 THEN GOTO 400
70 CHOOSE C=3 : LET D=4: FOR B=1 TO C+1 : LET D = D+D : NEXT : GOTO (A+D)*10
90 Z=Z+1 : PRINT "We both chose 'rock'. It's a draw." : GOTO 30
100 P=P+1 : PRINT "You chose 'paper', I chose 'rock'. You win.." : GOTO 30
120 Q=Q+1 : PRINT "You chose 'scissors', I chose 'rock'. I win!" : GOTO 30
170 Q=Q+1 : PRINT "You chose 'rock', I chose 'paper'. I win!" : GOTO 30
180 Z=Z+1 : PRINT "We both chose 'paper'. It's a draw." : GOTO 30
200 P=P+1 : PRINT "You chose 'scissors', I chose 'paper'. You win.." : GOTO 30
330 P=P+1 : PRINT "You chose 'rock', I chose 'scissors'. You win.." : GOTO 30
340 Q=Q+1 : PRINT "You chose 'paper', I chose 'scissors'. I win!" : GOTO 30
360 Z=Z+1 : PRINT "We both chose 'scissors'. It's a draw." : GOTO 30
400 PRINT "There were ";Z;" draws. I lost ";P;" times, you lost ";Q;" times." : END</lang>
A sample game:
Rock, paper, or scissors (1 = rock, 2 = paper, 3 = scissors)? 1
You chose 'rock', I chose 'paper'. I win!
Rock, paper, or scissors (1 = rock, 2 = paper, 3 = scissors)? 2
You chose 'paper', I chose 'scissors'. I win!
Rock, paper, or scissors (1 = rock, 2 = paper, 3 = scissors)? 3
You chose 'scissors', I chose 'paper'. You win..
Rock, paper, or scissors (1 = rock, 2 = paper, 3 = scissors)? 1
You chose 'rock', I chose 'paper'. I win!
Rock, paper, or scissors (1 = rock, 2 = paper, 3 = scissors)? 2
We both chose 'paper'. It's a draw.
Rock, paper, or scissors (1 = rock, 2 = paper, 3 = scissors)? 3
You chose 'scissors', I chose 'rock'. I win!
Rock, paper, or scissors (1 = rock, 2 = paper, 3 = scissors)? 4
There were 1 draws. I lost 1 times, you lost 4 times.
=={{header|BBC BASIC}}==


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