Maze generation: Difference between revisions

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Works with SWI-Prolog and XPCE.
<lang Prolog>:- dynamic cell/2.
maze(Lig,Col) :-
new(D, window('Maze')),
% creation of the grid
forall(between(0,Lig, I),
(XL is 50, YL is I * 30 + 50,
XR is Col * 30 + 50,
new(L, line(XL, YL, XR, YL)),
send(D, display, L))),
forall(between(0,Col, I),
(XT is 50 + I * 30, YT is 50,
YB is Lig * 30 + 50,
new(L, line(XT, YT, XT, YB)),
send(D, display, L))),
SX is Col * 30 + 100,
SY is Lig * 30 + 100,
send(D, size, new(_, size(SX, SY))),
% choosing a first cell
L0 is random(Lig),
C0 is random(Col),
assert(cell(L0, C0)),
\+search(D, Lig, Col, L0, C0),
send(D, open).
search(D, Lig, Col, L, C) :-
Dir is random(4),
nextcell(Dir, Lig, Col, L, C, L1, C1),
erase_line(D, L, C, L1, C1),
search(D, Lig, Col, L1, C1).
erase_line(D, L, C, L, C1) :-
( C < C1 -> C2 = C1; C2 = C),
XT is C2 * 30 + 50,
YT is L * 30 + 51, YR is (L+1) * 30 + 50,
new(Line, line(XT, YT, XT, YR)),
send(Line, colour, white),
send(D, display, Line).
erase_line(D, L, C, L1, C) :-
XT is 51 + C * 30, XR is 50 + (C + 1) * 30,
( L < L1 -> L2 is L1; L2 is L),
YT is L2 * 30 + 50,
new(Line, line(XT, YT, XR, YT)),
send(Line, colour, white),
send(D, display, Line).
nextcell(Dir, Lig, Col, L, C, L1, C1) :-
next(Dir, Lig, Col, L, C, L1, C1);
( Dir1 is (Dir+3) mod 4,
next(Dir1, Lig, Col, L, C, L1, C1));
( Dir2 is (Dir+1) mod 4,
next(Dir2, Lig, Col, L, C, L1, C1));
( Dir3 is (Dir+2) mod 4,
next(Dir3, Lig, Col, L, C, L1, C1)).
% 0 => northward
next(0, _Lig, _Col, L, C, L1, C) :-
L > 0,
L1 is L - 1,
\+cell(L1, C).
% 1 => rightward
next(1, _Lig, Col, L, C, L, C1) :-
C < Col - 1,
C1 is C + 1,
\+cell(L, C1).
% 2 => southward
next(2, Lig, _Col, L, C, L1, C) :-
L < Lig - 1,
L1 is L + 1,
\+cell(L1, C).
% 3 => leftward
next(2, _Lig, _Col, L, C, L, C1) :-
C > 0,
C1 is C - 1,
\+cell(L, C1).
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