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==BNF Grammar==
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! The C programming language evolved at Bell Labs from a series of
! programming languages: 'CPL', 'BCPL', and then 'B'. As a result, C's
! development was a combined effort between Dennis Ritchie, Ken Thompson,
! and Martin Richards.
! C was designed for the creation and implementation of low-level systems
! such as operating systems, device drivers, firmware, etc... To realize
! this goal, the language contains the ability to perform operations
! directly on memory and has direct access to system pointers. While this
! gives an enormous amount of control and flexibility, it also makes C a
! professional programming language - not to be used by an inexperienced
! programmer.
! C (and later C++) quickly became the de facto standard for developing
! operating systems, applications and most other large projects. UNIX as
! well as Windows, Linux, and Mac-OS X were developed using this
! language (and its successors).
! More information is available at Dennis Ritchie's website:
! The C grammar is inherently ambigious and requires a large number of
! LALR(1) states to parse. As a result, the time required by the GOLD
! Parser Builder to compile this grammar is extensive.
! C is not a line-based grammar with the notable exception of compiler
! directives (which are preceeded by a '#' character). These are usually not
! handled directly by the actual parser, but, rather, the pre-processor.
! Before the program is analyzed by the parser, C compilers scan the code and
! act on these commands. The final C program is then passed to the parser.
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! This grammar does not contain the compiler directives.
! Note: This is an ad hoc version of the language. If there are any flaws,
! please visit the contact page and tell me.
! Modified 06/14/2002
! * The correct definition for "return" was added. Thanks to Bob Meagher.
! * Added the missing rules for labels, storage specifications, etc...
! which were left out. Thanks to Mike Wisdom for calling this to
! my attention.
! Modified 06/21/2002
! * I fixed an error in the grammar for declaring functions.
! Modified 06/15/2003
! * Vladimir Morozov fixed an error for calling functions with no parameters
! Modified 01/31/2004
! * Tom van Dijck found a bug in the grammar concerning variable
! initialization.
! Modified 04/26/2004
! * Some errors in the grammar were fixed.
! Modified 01/19/2005
! * The definition for comments was modified. In ANSI C, block comments
! cannot be nested. As a result, they are defined using the whitespace
! terminal.
! Modified 03/28/2007
! * The commented-out definition for non-nested comments was updated. The
! previous version did not work in all cases.
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
"Name" = 'ANSI C'
"Version" = '1973'
"Author" = 'Dennis Ritchie, Ken Thompson, Martin Richards'
"About" = 'C is one of the most common, and complex, programming languages in use today.'
"Case Sensitive" = True
"Start Symbol" = <Decls>
{Hex Digit} = {Digit} + [abcdefABCDEF]
{Oct Digit} = [01234567]
{Id Head} = {Letter} + [_]
{Id Tail} = {Id Head} + {Digit}
{String Ch} = {Printable} - ["]
{Char Ch} = {Printable} - ['']
DecLiteral = [123456789]{digit}*
OctLiteral = 0{Oct Digit}*
HexLiteral = 0x{Hex Digit}+
FloatLiteral = {Digit}*'.'{Digit}+
StringLiteral = '"'( {String Ch} | '\'{Printable} )* '"'
CharLiteral = '' ( {Char Ch} | '\'{Printable} )''
Id = {Id Head}{Id Tail}*
! ===================================================================
! Comments
! ===================================================================
Comment Start = '/*'
Comment End = '*/'
Comment Line = '//'
! Typically, C comments cannot be nested. As a result, the
! Comment Start and Comment End terminals cannot be used.
! To implement non-nested comments, the whitespace terminal is
! modified to accept them. In the definition below, Whitespace
! is defined as one or more {Whitespace} characters OR a series
! of characters delimited by /* and */. Note that the characters
! between the two delimiters cannot contain the */ sequence.
! Uncomment the following to prevent block commments. Make sure
! to comment the Comment Start and Comment End definitions.
! {Non Slash} = {Printable} - [/]
! {Non Asterisk} = {Printable} - [*]
! Whitespace = {Whitespace}+
! | '/*' ( {Non Asterisk} | '*' {Non Slash}? )* '*/'
<Decls> ::= <Decl> <Decls>
<Decl> ::= <Func Decl>
| <Func Proto>
| <Struct Decl>
| <Union Decl>
| <Enum Decl>
| <Var Decl>
| <Typedef Decl>
! ===================================================================
! Function Declaration
! ===================================================================
<Func Proto> ::= <Func ID> '(' <Types> ')' ';'
| <Func ID> '(' <Params> ')' ';'
| <Func ID> '(' ')' ';'
<Func Decl> ::= <Func ID> '(' <Params> ')' <Block>
| <Func ID> '(' <Id List> ')' <Struct Def> <Block>
| <Func ID> '(' ')' <Block>
<Params> ::= <Param> ',' <Params>
| <Param>
<Param> ::= const <Type> ID
| <Type> ID
<Types> ::= <Type> ',' <Types>
| <Type>
<Id List> ::= Id ',' <Id List>
| Id
<Func ID> ::= <Type> ID
| ID
! ===================================================================
! Type Declaration
! ===================================================================
<Typedef Decl> ::= typedef <Type> ID ';'
<Struct Decl> ::= struct Id '{' <Struct Def> '}' ';'
<Union Decl> ::= union Id '{' <Struct Def> '}' ';'
<Struct Def> ::= <Var Decl> <Struct Def>
| <Var Decl>
! ===================================================================
! Variable Declaration
! ===================================================================
<Var Decl> ::= <Mod> <Type> <Var> <Var List> ';'
| <Type> <Var> <Var List> ';'
| <Mod> <Var> <Var List> ';'
<Var> ::= ID <Array>
| ID <Array> '=' <Op If>
<Array> ::= '[' <Expr> ']'
| '[' ']'
<Var List> ::= ',' <Var Item> <Var List>
<Var Item> ::= <Pointers> <Var>
<Mod> ::= extern
| static
| register
| auto
| volatile
| const
! ===================================================================
! Enumerations
! ===================================================================
<Enum Decl> ::= enum Id '{' <Enum Def> '}' ';'
<Enum Def> ::= <Enum Val> ',' <Enum Def>
| <Enum Val>
<Enum Val> ::= Id
| Id '=' OctLiteral
| Id '=' HexLiteral
| Id '=' DecLiteral
! ===================================================================
! Types
! ===================================================================
<Type> ::= <Base> <Pointers>
<Base> ::= <Sign> <Scalar>
| struct Id
| struct '{' <Struct Def> '}'
| union Id
| union '{' <Struct Def> '}'
| enum Id
<Sign> ::= signed
| unsigned
<Scalar> ::= char
| int
| short
| long
| short int
| long int
| float
| double
| void
<Pointers> ::= '*' <Pointers>
! ===================================================================
! Statements
! ===================================================================
<Stm> ::= <Var Decl>
| Id ':' !Label
| if '(' <Expr> ')' <Stm>
| if '(' <Expr> ')' <Then Stm> else <Stm>
| while '(' <Expr> ')' <Stm>
| for '(' <Arg> ';' <Arg> ';' <Arg> ')' <Stm>
| <Normal Stm>
<Then Stm> ::= if '(' <Expr> ')' <Then Stm> else <Then Stm>
| while '(' <Expr> ')' <Then Stm>
| for '(' <Arg> ';' <Arg> ';' <Arg> ')' <Then Stm>
| <Normal Stm>
<Normal Stm> ::= do <Stm> while '(' <Expr> ')'
| switch '(' <Expr> ')' '{' <Case Stms> '}'
| <Block>
| <Expr> ';'
| goto Id ';'
| break ';'
| continue ';'
| return <Expr> ';'
| ';' !Null statement
<Arg> ::= <Expr>
<Case Stms> ::= case <Value> ':' <Stm List> <Case Stms>
| default ':' <Stm List>
<Block> ::= '{' <Stm List> '}'
<Stm List> ::= <Stm> <Stm List>
! ===================================================================
! Here begins the C's 15 levels of operator precedence.
! ===================================================================
<Expr> ::= <Expr> ',' <Op Assign>
| <Op Assign>
<Op Assign> ::= <Op If> '=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If> '+=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If> '-=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If> '*=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If> '/=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If> '^=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If> '&=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If> '|=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If> '>>=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If> '<<=' <Op Assign>
| <Op If>
<Op If> ::= <Op Or> '?' <Op If> ':' <Op If>
| <Op Or>
<Op Or> ::= <Op Or> '||' <Op And>
| <Op And>
<Op And> ::= <Op And> '&&' <Op BinOR>
| <Op BinOR>
<Op BinOR> ::= <Op BinOr> '|' <Op BinXOR>
| <Op BinXOR>
<Op BinXOR> ::= <Op BinXOR> '^' <Op BinAND>
| <Op BinAND>
<Op BinAND> ::= <Op BinAND> '&' <Op Equate>
| <Op Equate>
<Op Equate> ::= <Op Equate> '==' <Op Compare>
| <Op Equate> '!=' <Op Compare>
| <Op Compare>
<Op Compare> ::= <Op Compare> '<' <Op Shift>
| <Op Compare> '>' <Op Shift>
| <Op Compare> '<=' <Op Shift>
| <Op Compare> '>=' <Op Shift>
| <Op Shift>
<Op Shift> ::= <Op Shift> '<<' <Op Add>
| <Op Shift> '>>' <Op Add>
| <Op Add>
<Op Add> ::= <Op Add> '+' <Op Mult>
| <Op Add> '-' <Op Mult>
| <Op Mult>
<Op Mult> ::= <Op Mult> '*' <Op Unary>
| <Op Mult> '/' <Op Unary>
| <Op Mult> '%' <Op Unary>
| <Op Unary>
<Op Unary> ::= '!' <Op Unary>
| '~' <Op Unary>
| '-' <Op Unary>
| '*' <Op Unary>
| '&' <Op Unary>
| '++' <Op Unary>
| '--' <Op Unary>
| <Op Pointer> '++'
| <Op Pointer> '--'
| '(' <Type> ')' <Op Unary> !CAST
| sizeof '(' <Type> ')'
| sizeof '(' ID <Pointers> ')'
| <Op Pointer>
<Op Pointer> ::= <Op Pointer> '.' <Value>
| <Op Pointer> '->' <Value>
| <Op Pointer> '[' <Expr> ']'
| <Value>
<Value> ::= OctLiteral
| HexLiteral
| DecLiteral
| StringLiteral
| CharLiteral
| FloatLiteral
| Id '(' <Expr> ')'
| Id '(' ')'
| Id
| '(' <Expr> ')'
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