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Polynomial long division: Difference between revisions

(added Ursala)
Line 536:
[-42, 0, -12, 1] / [-3, 1, 0, 0] = [-27.0, -9.0, 1.0] remainder [-123.0]</pre>
<lang R>polylongdiv <- function(n,d) {
gd <- length(d)
pv <- vector("numeric", length(n))
pv[1:gd] <- d
if ( length(n) >= gd ) {
q <- c()
while ( length(n) >= gd ) {
q <- c(q, n[1]/pv[1])
n <- n - pv * (n[1]/pv[1])
n <- n[2:length(n)]
pv <- pv[1:(length(pv)-1)]
list(q=q, r=n)
} else {
list(q=c(0), r=n)
# an utility function to print polynomial
print.polynomial <- function(p) {
i <- length(p)-1
for(a in p) {
if ( i == 0 ) {
cat(a, "\n")
} else {
cat(a, "x^", i, " + ", sep="")
i <- i - 1
r <- polylongdiv(c(1,-12,0,-42), c(1,-3))
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