Respond to an unknown method call: Difference between revisions

added Fantom example
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(added Fantom example)
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a they_can_too: "eat" and: "walk"
In Fantom, you can call methods statically or dynamically. Static calls to methods will be checked at compile time. Dynamic method calls (indicated by an <code>instance->method</code> syntax) are run through a "[ trap]" method at run time, and can thus be caught:
<lang fantom>
class A
// override the 'trap' method, which catches dynamic invocations of methods
override Obj? trap(Str name, Obj?[]? args := null)
echo ("In trap, you called: " + name + " with args " + args.join(","))
return null
class Main
public static Void main ()
a := A()
// note the dynamic dispatch
a->methodName (1, 2, 3)
$ fan
In trap, you called: methodName with args 1,2,3
In normal usage, the trap method tries to locate the named method using reflection on the current class.
