Sorting algorithms/Gnome sort: Difference between revisions

(Added XPL0)
Line 1,537:
gnomesort(c(4, 65, 2, -31, 0, 99, 83, 782, 1)) # -31 0 1 2 4 65 83 99 782</lang>
<lang racket>
#lang racket
;; Translation of the pseudo code
(define (gnome-sort1 a <=?)
(define size (vector-length a))
(define (swap i j)
(define t (vector-ref a i))
(vector-set! a i (vector-ref a j))
(vector-set! a j t))
(let loop ([i 1] [j 2])
(when (< i size)
(if (<=? (vector-ref a (sub1 i)) (vector-ref a i))
(loop j (add1 j))
(begin (swap (sub1 i) i)
(let ([i (sub1 i)])
(if (zero? i)
(loop j (add1 j))
(loop i j)))))))
(gnome-sort1 (vector 3 2 1 4 5 6) <=)
;; a functional version, roughly like the Scheme entry
(define (gnome-sort2 l <=?)
(match l
[(list) l]
[(list x xs ...)
(let loop ([x `((,x) . ,xs)])
(match x
[`(,ps) ps]
[`((,p . ,ps) ,n . ,ns)
(loop (cond [(<=? n p) `((,n ,p . ,ps) . ,ns)]
[(null? ps) `((,n) ,p . ,ns)]
[else `(,ps ,n ,p . ,ns)]))]))]))
(gnome-sort2 '(3 2 1 4 5 6) <=)