Sorting algorithms/Tree sort on a linked list: Difference between revisions

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Let's also say that we have prepared a file which contains some sort of ascii rendition of the text. Note that the final result we get here will depend on exactly how that ascii rendition was prepared. But let's just ignore that issue so we can get something working.
Next, we need to think of what kind of tree. (Note that a linked list is a kind of a tree - an extremely tall and skinny unbalanced tree, but a tree nonetheless. Then again, note that efficiency claims in general are specious, because efficient for one purpose tends to be inefficient for many other purposes.) Since we are going for efficiency here, we will implement a short, atfat tree. Specifically, we'll be implementing a one level deep tree which happens to have 14961 leaves connected directly to the root node.
Simplicity is a virtue, right?
