Sorting algorithms/Tree sort on a linked list: Difference between revisions

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'''Test case:''' Create a linked list of all the sentences of all the episodes of [ Finnegans Wake by James Joyce]. Load them into a local memory based linked list, then tree sort them inplace and print the number of node swaps and seconds of [[wp:BogoMips|BogoMips]] are necessary to perform the sort. (The book is to be stored locally (whole ''or'' in individual episodes) in a test text file on disk before loading by the specimin code into a linked list for sorting.)
'''Test case:''' Create a linked list of all the sentences of all the episodes of [ Finnegans Wake by James Joyce]. Load them into a local memory based linked list, then tree sort them inplace and print the number of node swaps and seconds of [[wp:BogoMips|BogoMips]] are necessary to perform the sort. (The book is to be stored locally (whole ''or'' in individual episodes) in a test text file on disk before loading by the specimin code into a linked list for sorting.)

The following implements a sorting algorithm that takes a linked list, puts each key into an unbalanced binary tree and returns an in-order traversal of the tree.
{{works with|Chicken Scheme}}
<lang Scheme>(use matchable)

(define insert
;; (insert key tree)
[(x ()) `(() ,x ()) ]
[(x (() () ())) `(() ,x ()) ]
[(x (l k r))
(=> continue)
(if (<= x k)
`(,(insert x l) ,k ,r)
(continue)) ]
[(x (l k r)) `(,l ,k ,(insert x r)) ]
[_ "incorrect arguments or broken tree" ]))

(define in-order
;; (in-order tree)
[(() x ()) `(,x)]
[(l x ()) (append (in-order l) `(,x))]
[(() x r) (append `(,x) (in-order r))]
[(l x r) (append (in-order l) `(,x) (in-order r))]
[_ "incorrect arguments or broken tree" ]))

(define (tree-sort lst)
(define tree-sort-itr
[(x ()) (in-order x)]
[(x (a . b)) (tree-sort-itr (insert a x) b)]
[_ "incorrect arguments or broken tree" ]))
(tree-sort-itr '(() () ()) lst))</lang>
Usage: <lang Scheme> #;2> (tree-sort '(5 3 7 9 1))
(1 3 5 7 9)</lang>