Sorting algorithms/Quicksort: Difference between revisions

Added Chipmunk Basic
(Added Chipmunk Basic)
Line 2,625:
-31 0 1 2 2 4 65 83 99 782
==={{header|Chipmunk Basic}}===
{{works with|Chipmunk Basic|3.6.4}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">100 dim array(15)
110 a = 0
120 b = ubound(array)
130 randomize timer
140 for i = a to b
150 array(i) = rnd(1)*1000
160 next i
170 print "unsort ";
180 for i = a to b
190 print using "####";array(i);
200 if i = b then print ""; else print ", ";
210 next i
220 quicksort(array(),a,b)
230 print : print " sort ";
240 for i = a to b
250 print using "####";array(i);
260 if i = b then print ""; else print ", ";
270 next i
280 print
290 end
300 sub quicksort(array(),l,r)
310 size = r-l+1
320 if size < 2 then return
330 i = l
340 j = r
350 pivot = array(l+int(size/2))
360 rem repeat
370 while array(i) < pivot
380 i = i+1
390 wend
400 while pivot < array(j)
410 j = j-1
420 wend
430 if i <= j then temp = array(i) : array(i) = array(j) : array(j) = temp : i = i+1 : j = j-1
440 if i <= j then goto 360
450 if l < j then quicksort(array(),l,j)
460 if i < r then quicksort(array(),i,r)
470 end sub</syntaxhighlight>
