Sorting algorithms/Quicksort: Difference between revisions

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(Undo revision 158141 by Zenlang (talk) The array definitely has to be not empty to get sorted)
Line 1,099:
implicit none
type group
integer :: order ! original order of unsorted data
real :: value ! values to be sorted by
end type group
recursive subroutine QSort_simpleQSort(a,na)
integer, intent(in) :: nA
integertype (group), dimension(nA), intent(in out) :: A
integer :: left, right
real :: random
integer :: pivot, temp
real :: pivot
type (group) :: temp
integer :: marker
if (nA > 1) then
call random_number(random)
pivot = A(1) ! simple 1st point pivot can cause very long execution times for some data sets (i.e. already sorted data)
pivot = A(int(random*real(nA-1))+1)%value ! random pivot (not best performance, but avoids worst-case)
left = 0
right = nA + 1
Line 1,121 ⟶ 1,129:
do while (left < right)
right = right - 1
do while (A(right)%value > pivot)
right = right - 1
end do
left = left + 1
do while (A(left)%value < pivot)
left = left + 1
end do
Line 1,141 ⟶ 1,149:
end if
call QSort_simpleQSort(A(:marker-1),marker-1)
call QSort_simpleQSort(A(marker:),nA-marker+1)
end if
end subroutine QSort_simpleQSort
! About 20% faster sorting random data and thousands of times faster when sorting sorted data over QSort_simple.
recursive subroutine QSort_optimized(a,na)
integer, intent(in) :: nA
integer, dimension(nA), intent(in out) :: A
integer :: left, right, mid
integer :: pivot, temp
integer :: marker
if (nA > 1) then
! insertion sort limit of 47 seems best for sorting 10 million integers on Intel i7-980X CPU. Derived data types that use
! more memory are optimized with smaller values - around 20 for a 16-byte type.
if (nA > 47) then
! Do quicksort for large groups
! Get median of 1st, mid, & last points for pivot (helps reduce long execution time on some data sets, such as already
! sorted data, over simple 1st point pivot)
mid = (nA+1)/2
if (a(mid) >= a(1)) then
if (a(mid) <= a(nA)) then
pivot = a(mid)
else if (a(nA) > a(1)) then
pivot = a(nA)
pivot = a(1)
end if
else if (a(1) <= a(nA)) then
pivot = a(1)
else if (a(nA) > a(mid)) then
pivot = a(nA)
pivot = a(mid)
end if
left = 0
right = nA + 1
do while (left < right)
right = right - 1
do while (A(right) > pivot)
right = right - 1
end do
left = left + 1
do while (A(left) < pivot)
left = left + 1
end do
if (left < right) then
temp = A(left)
A(left) = A(right)
A(right) = temp
end if
end do
if (left == right) then
marker = left + 1
marker = left
end if
call QSort_optimized(A(:marker-1),marker-1)
call QSort_optimized(A(marker:),nA-marker+1)
call InsertionSort(A,nA) ! Insertion sort for small groups is faster than Quicksort
end if
end if
end subroutine QSort_optimized
subroutine InsertionSort(A,nA)
integer, intent(in) :: nA
integer, dimension(nA), intent(in out) :: A
integer :: temp
integer :: i, j
do i = 2, nA
j = i - 1
temp = A(i)
if (j == 0) exit
if (a(j) <= temp) exit
A(j+1) = A(j)
j = j - 1
end do
a(j+1) = temp
end do
end subroutine InsertionSort
end module qsort_mod
! Test Qsort Module
program qsortqsort_test
use qsort_mod
implicit none
integer, parameter :: l = 100000008
integertype (group), dimension(l) :: A, Acopy
integer, dimension(3) :: seed = [1, 2, 3]
integer :: count1, count2, rate
integer :: i
real :: random
write (*,*) "Unsorted Values:"
call random_seed(put = seed)
do i = 1, l
call random_number(random)
A(i)%value = int(random * real(l)) ! make random integers with a range equal to the size of A
A(i)%order = i
if (mod(i,4) == 0) write (*,"(4(I5,1X,F8.6))") A(i-3:i)
end do
Acopy = A
call system_clockQSort(count1A,ratel)
write (*,*) "Sorted Values:"
call QSort_simple(A,l)
do i = 4, l, 4
call system_clock(count2)
if (mod(i,4) == 0) write (*,"(A4(I5,1X,F8.5,A6))") "Simple Quicksort time = ", realA(count2i-count13:i)/real(rate), " seconds."
end do
call system_clock(count1,rate)
call QSort_optimized(Acopy,l)
call system_clock(count2)
write (*,"(A,F8.5,A)") "Optimized Quicksort time = ", real(count2-count1)/real(rate), " seconds."
end program qsortqsort_test</lang>
Unsorted Values:
1 0.999981 2 0.203459 3 0.668007 4 0.461334
5 0.732909 6 0.332698 7 0.415352 8 0.839989
Sorted Values:
2 0.203459 6 0.332698 7 0.415352 4 0.461334
3 0.668007 5 0.732909 8 0.839989 1 0.999981