Sorting algorithms/Heapsort: Difference between revisions

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heapSort &. (a.&i.) 'aqwcdhkij'
Translation of [ this] Python code. Based on R. Sedgwick's Algorithms Section 2.4.
Although Janet is a (functional) Lisp, it has support for [ mutable arrays] and imperative programming.
<lang janet>(defn swap [l a b]
(let [aval (get l a) bval (get l b)]
(put l a bval)
(put l b aval)))
(defn heap-sort [l]
(def len (length l))
# Invariant: heap[parent] <= heap[*children]
(def heap (array/new (+ len 1)))
(array/push heap nil)
(def ROOT 1)
# Returns the parent index of index, or nil if none
(defn parent [idx]
(assert (> idx 0))
(if (= idx 1) nil (math/trunc (/ idx 2))))
# Returns a tuple [a b] of the two child indices of idx
(defn children [idx]
(def a (* idx 2))
(def b (+ a 1))
(def l (length heap))
# NOTE: `if` implicitly returns nil on false
[(if (< a l) a) (if (< b l) b)])
(defn check-invariants [idx]
(def [a b] (children idx))
(def p (parent idx))
(assert (or (nil? a) (<= (get heap idx) (get heap a))))
(assert (or (nil? b) (<= (get heap idx) (get heap b))))
(assert (or (nil? p) (>= (get heap idx) (get heap p)))))
(defn swim [idx]
(def val (get heap idx))
(def parent-idx (parent idx))
(if (and (not (nil? parent-idx)) (< val (get heap parent-idx))) (do
(swap heap parent-idx idx)
(swim parent-idx)
(check-invariants idx))
(defn sink [idx]
(def [a b] (children idx))
(def target-val (get heap idx))
(def smaller-children @[])
(defn handle-child [idx]
(let [child-val (get heap idx)]
(if (and (not (nil? idx)) (< child-val target-val))
(array/push smaller-children idx))))
(handle-child a)
(handle-child b)
(assert (<= (length smaller-children) 2))
(def smallest-child (cond
(empty? smaller-children) nil
(= 1 (length smaller-children)) (get smaller-children 0)
(< (get heap (get smaller-children 0)) (get heap (get smaller-children 1))) (get smaller-children 0)
# NOTE: `true` is used instead of `else` for final branch in cond
true (get smaller-children 1)
(if (not (nil? smallest-child)) (do
(swap heap smallest-child idx)
(sink smallest-child)
# Recheck invariants
(check-invariants idx))))
(defn insert [val]
(def idx (length heap))
(array/push heap val)
(swim idx))
(defn remove-smallest []
(assert (> (length heap) 1))
(def largest (get heap ROOT))
(def new-root (array/pop heap))
(if (> (length heap) 1) (do
(put heap ROOT new-root)
(sink ROOT)))
(assert (not (nil? largest)))
(each item l (insert item))
(def res @[])
(while (> (length heap) 1)
(array/push res (remove-smallest)))
# NOTE: Makes a copy of input array. Output is mutable
(print (heap-sort [7 12 3 9 -1 17 6]))</lang>
@[-1 3 6 7 9 12 17]
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