Sorting algorithms/Gnome sort: Difference between revisions

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Peak (talk | contribs)
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end if
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=={{header|Batch File}}==
{{works with|Windows NT}}

<lang Batch File>@ECHO OFF
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
:: GnomeSort.cmd in WinNT Batch using pseudo array.
:: Set the number of random elements to sort.
SET numElements=100
:: Decrement numElements for use in zero-based loops as in (0, 1, %numElements% - 1).
SET /A tmpElements=%numElements% - 1

:: Create array of random numbers and output to file.
ECHO GnomeSort Random Input 0 to %tmpElements%:>%~n0.txt
FOR /L %%X IN (0, 1, %tmpElements%) DO (
SET array[%%X]=!RANDOM!
ECHO !array[%%X]!>>%~n0.txt

:: Initialize the pointers i-1, i, and j.
SET gs1=0
SET gs2=1
SET gs3=2
:: Implementing a WHILE loop in WinNT batch using GOTO. It only executes
:: if the condition is true and continues until the condition is false.
:: First, display [i-1][j - 2] to the Title Bar.
SET /A gsTmp=%gs3% - 2
TITLE GnomeSort:[%gs1%][%gsTmp%] of %tmpElements%
:: ...then start Main Loop. It's a direct implementation of the
:: pseudo code supplied by Rosetta Code. I had to add an additional
:: pointer to represent i-1, because of limitations in WinNT Batch.
IF %gs2% LSS %numElements% (
REM if i-1 <= i advance pointers to next unchecked element, then loop.
IF !array[%gs1%]! LEQ !array[%gs2%]! (
SET /A gs1=%gs3% - 1
SET /A gs2=%gs3%
SET /A gs3=%gs3% + 1
) ELSE (
REM ... else swap i-1 and i, decrement pointers to check previous element, then loop.
SET gsTmp=!array[%gs1%]!
SET array[%gs1%]=!array[%gs2%]!
SET array[%gs2%]=!gsTmp!
SET /A gs1-=1
SET /A gs2-=1
REM if first element has been reached, set pointers to next unchecked element.
IF !gs2! EQU 0 (
SET /A gs1=%gs3% - 1
SET /A gs2=%gs3%
SET /A gs3=%gs3% + 1
TITLE GnomeSort:[%gs1%][%gsTmp%] - Done!

:: write sorted elements out to file
ECHO GnomeSort Sorted Output 0 to %tmpElements%:>>%~n0.txt
FOR /L %%X IN (0, 1, %tmpElements%) DO ECHO !array[%%X]!>>%~n0.txt

EXIT /B 0</lang>

=={{header|BBC BASIC}}==
=={{header|BBC BASIC}}==