Sorting algorithms/Counting sort: Difference between revisions

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'''Note''': &nbsp; we know that, given an array of integers, &nbsp; its maximum and minimum values can be always found; &nbsp; but if we imagine the worst case for an array that can hold up to 32 bit integers, &nbsp; we see that in order to hold the counts, &nbsp; an array of up to '''2<sup>32</sup>''' elements may be needed. &nbsp; I.E.: &nbsp; we need to hold a count value up to '''2<sup>32</sup>-1''', &nbsp; which is a little over 4.2 Gbytes. &nbsp; So the counting sort is more practical when the range is (very) limited, &nbsp; and minimum and maximum values are known &nbsp; ''a priori''. &nbsp; (The use of &nbsp; ''sparse arrays'' &nbsp; minimizes the impact of the memory usage, &nbsp; as well as removing the need of having to know the minimum and maximum values &nbsp; ''a priori''.)
=={{header|360 Assembly}}==
<lang 360asm>* Counting sort - 18/04/2020
USING COUNTS,R13 base register
B 72(R15) skip savearea
DC 17F'0' savearea
SAVE (14,12) save previous context
ST R13,4(R15) link backward
ST R15,8(R13) link forward
LR R13,R15 set addressability
LA R6,A i=1
DO WHILE=(C,R6,LE,=A(N)) do i=1 to hbound(a)
L R8,0(R6) a(i)
S R8,MIN k=a(i)-min
LR R1,R8 k
SLA R1,2 ~
L R3,COUNT(R1) count(k+1)
LA R3,1(R3) +1
ST R3,COUNT(R1) count(k+1)+=1
LA R6,4(R6) i++
ENDDO , enddo i
LA R7,A j=1
L R6,MIN i=min
DO WHILE=(C,R6,LE,MAX) do i=min to max
LR R8,R6 i
S R8,MIN k=i-min
WHILEC LR R1,R8 while k
SLA R1,2 ..... ~
L R2,COUNT(R1) ..... count(k+1)
LTR R2,R2 ..... test
BNP WHENDC ..... count(k+1)>0
ST R6,0(R7) a(j)=i
LA R7,4(R7) j++
LR R1,R8 k
SLA R1,2 ~
L R3,COUNT(R1) count(k+1)
BCTR R3,0 -1
ST R3,COUNT(R1) count(k+1)-=1
B WHILEC end while
WHENDC AH R6,=H'1' i++
ENDDO , enddo i
LA R9,PG @buffer
LA R6,A i=1
DO WHILE=(C,R6,LE,=A(N)) do i=1 to hbound(a)
L R2,0(R6) a(i)
XDECO R2,XDEC edit a(i)
MVC 0(3,R9),XDEC+9 output a(i)
LA R9,3(R9) @buffer++
LA R6,4(R6) i++
ENDDO , enddo i
XPRNT PG,L'PG print buffer
L R13,4(0,R13) restore previous savearea pointer
RETURN (14,12),RC=0 restore registers from calling save
MIN DC F'-9' min
MAX DC F'99' max
A DC F'98',F'35',F'15',F'46',F'6',F'64',F'92',F'44'
DC F'53',F'21',F'56',F'74',F'13',F'11',F'92',F'70'
DC F'43',F'2',F'-7',F'89',F'22',F'82',F'41',F'91'
DC F'28',F'51',F'0',F'39',F'29',F'34',F'15',F'26'
N DC A((N-A)/L'A) hbound(a)
PG DC CL96' ' buffer
XDEC DS CL12 temp fo xdeco
COUNT DC 200F'0' count
END COUNTS </lang>
-7 0 2 6 11 13 15 15 21 22 26 28 29 32 34 35 39 41 43 44 46 51 53 56 64 70 74 82 89 91 92 92
