Sorting algorithms/Bogosort: Difference between revisions

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Sort standard input and output to the standard output
<lang awk>function randint(n)
return int(n * rand())

function sorted(sa, sn)
for(si=1; si < sn; si++) {
if ( sa[si] > sa[si+1] ) return 0;
return 1

line[NR] = $0
END { # sort it with bogo sort
while ( sorted(line, NR) == 0 ) {
for(i=1; i <= NR; i++) {
r = randint(NR) + 1
t = line[i]
line[i] = line[r]
line[r] = t
#print it
for(i=1; i <= NR; i++) {
print line[i]
