Sorting algorithms/Bogosort: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Oberon-2}}: Changed to works with template)
(Ada solution added)
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while not InOrder(list) do Shuffle(list);
while not InOrder(list) do Shuffle(list);

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;

procedure Test_Bogosort is
type Ordered is private;
type List is array (Positive range <>) of Ordered;
with function "<" (L, R : Ordered) return Boolean is <>;
procedure Bogosort (Data : in out List);

procedure Bogosort (Data : in out List) is
function Sorted return Boolean is
for I in Data'First..Data'Last - 1 loop
if not (Data (I) < Data (I + 1)) then
return False;
end if;
end loop;
return True;
end Sorted;
subtype Index is Integer range Data'Range;
package Dices is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Index);
use Dices;
Dice : Generator;
procedure Shuffle is
J : Index;
Temp : Ordered;
for I in Data'Range loop
J := Random (Dice);
Temp := Data (I);
Data (I) := Data (J);
Data (J) := Temp;
end loop;
end Shuffle;
while not Sorted loop
end loop;
end Bogosort;

type List is array (Positive range <>) of Integer;
procedure Integer_Bogosort is new Bogosort (Integer, List);
Sequence : List := (7,6,3,9);
Integer_Bogosort (Sequence);
for I in Sequence'Range loop
Put (Integer'Image (Sequence (I)));
end loop;
end Test_Bogosort;
The solution is generic. The procedure Bogosort can be instantiated with any copyable comparable type. In the example given it is the standard Integer type. Sample output:
3 6 7 9
The following algorithm actually works for all sequences of comparable types; restricting to lists of integers would not make the code simpler.
The following algorithm actually works for all sequences of comparable types; restricting to lists of integers would not make the code simpler.