Sort using a custom comparator: Difference between revisions

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Input is to be a list of boxed character lists. The output will be in the same structure.
<br>Case-insensitivity is obtained using <tt>lower</tt>, a verb taken from [[Change string case]]. Standard utilities <tt>tolower</tt> or <tt>toupper</tt> may be substituted.
mycmp=: 31 : 0'/:u'
wt=. ;#&.> y
length_and_case =: (# ; lower)&>
;(/:&.> lower L: 0) (\: ~. wt) { wt </. y
strings=: 'Here';'are';'some';'sample';'strings';'to';'be';'sorted'
length_and_case mycmp strings
]strings=: ;: 'Sed quae tandem est in hac urbe tanta domus ab ista suspicione religionis tam vacua atque pura'
mycmp strings
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