Sort the letters of string in alphabetical order: Difference between revisions

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<lang fsharp>
<lang fsharp>
// Alphabetic sort. Nigel Galloway: July 27th., 2021
// Alphabetic sort. Nigel Galloway: July 27th., 2021
let n=['a';'A';'b';'B';'c';'C';'d';'D';'e';'E';'f';'F';'g';'G';'h';'H';'i';'I';'j';'J';'k';'K';'l';'L';'m';'M';'n';'N';'o';'O';'p';'P';'q';'Q';'r';'R';'s';'S';'t';'T';'u';'U';'v';'V';'w';'W';'x';'X';'y';'Y';'z';'Z']
let fG n g=let g=g|>Seq.countBy id|>Map.ofSeq in [for n in n->if Map.containsKey n g then [|for g in 1..g.[n]->n|]|>System.String else ""]|>String.concat ""
let fG n g=let g=g|>Seq.countBy id|>Map.ofSeq in [for n in n->if Map.containsKey n g then [|for g in 1..g.[n]->n|]|>System.String else ""]|>String.concat ""
let English=fG ['a';'A';'b';'B';'c';'C';'d';'D';'e';'E';'f';'F';'g';'G';'h';'H';'i';'I';'j';'J';'k';'K';'l';'L';'m';'M';'n';'N';'o';'O';'p';'P';'q';'Q';'r';'R';'s';'S';'t';'T';'u';'U';'v';'V';'w';'W';'x';'X';'y';'Y';'z';'Z']
printfn "%s" (fG n "baNAnaBAnaNA")
printfn "%s" (English "baNAnaBAnaNA")
Line 92: Line 92:

As in the case of the Wren entry, we write a function to bubble sort the characters of a string since this method is not, of course, used in Go's standard 'sort' package.
As in the case of the Wren entry, we write a function to bubble sort the characters of a string since this method is not, of course, used in Go's standard 'sort' package.